United Dance Experience


Las Vegas Dance Gazette

Dance fever

Signature Productions' Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

"Choregrapher Marko Westwood shows a promising talent for combining inventiveness with the traditional. This is the first Las Vegas community show this season to give dance its proper place in the American musical.
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...Much of the responsibility to get this show moving goes to the choreographer, and Marko Westwood - a student in the UNLV dance department - shows a promising talent for combining inventiveness with the traditional.. This is the first Vegas community show this season to give dance its proper place in the American musical...

Sometimes Westwood uses simplicity as part of the "joke," part of the appealing nonsence that is the traditional musical. De does wonderful things with simple line patterns in numbers like "We've Gotta Make It Through the Winter." His simplicity sometimes has a sense of humor.....Westwood's wpork is on the border of new....you can see he is a gifted artist who needs to be encouraged to experiment, to come up with his own formulas.

Seven Brides is...a reminder of the power of dance in musicals.

Review by Anthony Del Valle from Las Vegas City Life Magazine - April 9 - 15, 1998

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