My Philip Glass Collection

Myself as collector:

My collection, including over 30 different LPs, almost all the CDs, 8 books, 8 films, and video appearances.

    I have been more or less a "collector" of Philip Glass stuff for about a 2 years now. I have made it a point to have every major CD release that Philip Glass has recorded. I am about 2 CDs away from that goal. I also want to own all of the what I call "peripheral" Philip Glass CDs, which include things like Paul Simon's Hearts and Bones, for which Glass wrote the coda music on "The Late Great Johnny Ace."
    However, the biggest consumer of my collecting dollar is the collecting of Philip Glass LPs, which pretty much aren't sold anymore in mainstream places. The last LP release I can think of is 1000 Airplanes on the Roof. I've managed to track down most of the LPs that coincide with CD releases, such as The Photographer. Now I am concentrating my efforts on the more obscure records and promos.

Recent acquisitions include:

Music in Similar Motion, Music in Fifths, the Chatham square release from 1973 (Chatham 1003) (I now have 4 of these)

Solo Music, the Shandar 83515 release, French label

Einstein on the Beach (sampler), the Tomato 101 sampler release (2 of these)

The Soho News Album, with "Mad Rush" and "Dressed Like an Egg"

You're A Hook: The 15-Year Anniversary of Dial-A-Poem (1968-1983), "A Secret Solo"(1977) - This is the LP with a nude picture of Glass on the inner sleeve. I have not yet seen it, nor do I plan to, so I'll just handle it with my eyes closed.

Akhnaten, Satyagraha, and Einstein on the Beach (Tomato). I now have all three "Trilogy" operas on LP, each in a box set.

Dance Nos. 1 & 3, Tomato 8029, 1980

1000 Airplanes on the Roof,  Peregrine Smith Books, libretto and photos of the 1989 theater piece

Music in Twelve Parts, Parts 1 & 2, 1974 (2 of these)

RCA Polyrock, Vol. III, 1981, a radio special, contains interviews with Glass in between the music

I'm also working on getting the Music with Changing Parts Chatham 1001/1002 release.

I also have the stuff mentioned on the front page of this site.

Promo acquisitions include:

"Lightning" backed with "Freezing," CBS MAS 2285, 1986 promo of Songs from Liquid Days

"Opening" and "Closing" from Mishima, promo from 1985

"Rubric," a long and short cut on either side, a promo for Glassworks

"Rubric" and "Facades," another promo for Glassworks

The Truman Show promo CD with the Glass work "Truman Sleeps"

    I've also just found a copy of the 1983 Satyagraha book by Constance DeJong. Other things I collect are hard copies of news articles, which I plan to post on the site as soon as I'm fairly certain I will not be sued for copyright infringement. I also would like to find old programs, ticket stubs, posters, and anything else with Philip Glass' name on it.

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