The Memorial Rimsky-Korsakov Museum

Located at 28, Zagorodny Prospect, St.Petersburg, is the apartment where the composer lived the last 15 years of his life. Now, The Memorial Rimsky-Korsakov Museum, has a wealth of his belongings, including the impressive Serov's portrait. The museum is not far from Nevsky prospect, the main avenue in St. Petersburg. There, several musicians, composers and friends used to gather for musical meetings. In the living room stands Rimsky-Korsakov's piano, once played by himself, Stravinsky, Glazunov, Scriabin, Rachmaninov and others. In the studio, Rimsky-Korsakov worked and composed several works such as the operas Christmas Eve, Sadko, The Golden Cockerel, the orchestral pieces On the Tomb, Serenade for cello and orchestra and his marvelous Trio for piano, violin and cello.

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