Alexander Prokhorov
Voice (Bass) and  Piano

 Alexander Prokhorov Bullet Opera and oratoria soloist

Bullet Voice coaching and instruction

Bullet Piano instruction and accompaniment

Bullet Russian diction instruction 

Bullet Choir and ensemble music direction 

Bullet Piano performance and improvisation

Bullet Russian gypsy music and romances

617.686.3754 Please email and ask to be put on my mailing list to receive notices of my concerts and interesting performances
  Appearing in the Boston area with:
Handel & Haydn Society
Boston Lyric Opera
Boston Early Music Festival
Boston Russian Chorus (assistant conductor)
Ensemble Via Romen


Opera performance diploma from Boston Opera Institute, Master of Music degree from Longy School of Music, piano performance diploma from Moscow Conservatory's Music Academy

New in Boston!
Gypsy Tsars Duo