About Julian Hsieh

Career  1999 - Present

1st Path --
Ford Motor Co. Ltd. at Taiwan, Human Resources Division
Training Coordinator

2nd Path --
National Open University, Department of Public Administration
Instructor of ---

1. Labor Relation and Dispute Resolutions

2. Orginization Development


1996 - 1998
Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia, Master of Science

Major: Personnel and Employment Relations

Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan, Bachelor of Arts Major: French Language and Literature
Minor: Business Administration

Foreign Study

1994 Summer
L'Institute de Touraine; Tour, France

Musical Achievements

1997 Summer
First Violinist of Chinese Community Center Youth Orchestra (CCCYO)
Violin & guitar instructor of EME Music Instrucment Co., Ltd., Taiwan
Instructor of guitar club in Chinese Culture University, Keelung High School and Sacred Heart High School.

Other hobbies

Golf , Ski, Fish, Camping, Photography , Travel , Fine Wine, Expedition...

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How to contact me  -----
julianhsieh@yahoo.com                      ICQ UIN: 6089276  ^_^

PACHELBEL, Johann (1653-1706) German Canon in D