
Current News

February 2001

January 2001

December 2000

November 2000

October 2000

May - September 2000

March - April 2000

January - February 2000

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July - August 1998

September 28, 2001
Yes, I know that it has been way too long since I've updated. But things have been busy.
I'm back at school, with 17 credits, an internship, and 2 jobs. Yes, I know, I'm crazy. 
As you probably figured out, I've changed this site around since Sept. 11th. 
I was rather upset about the whole thing, as I well should be. 
Luckily, I know nobody who died, and none of my friends have been called off to war yet.
July 5, 2001
Happy Independence Day...a day late. Hope everyone had a festive day. I had fun. 
I just cooked out with Tamara, Rachel, and Cheryl (who came up Tuesday night from Rochester).
Then we went to the Eau Claire fireworks, which were pretty good.
In other news...I learned something today. 
To get rid of hiccups, eat a large tablespoon of granulated sugar. 
It worked for me! And I guess that is what the New England Journal of Medicine says to do.
June 24, 2001
I'm still really busy. No school, but now two jobs. And physical therapy. But that's ok.
In the really really neat news...I saw Ani tonight!!! The concert was really really awesome!
And she walked down a aisle about 10 feet away from me...she was so close!
Other than stalker....friend in jail....ex got arrested.....other ex coming home soon...
and I saw a falling star on Saturday night when I was driving to my parents' house. 
Oh...for the fun of things...look at my back x-rays here, here and here.
June 7, 2001

Finished with jury duty today. I will be back in Eau Claire tomorrow, after attending the State
track meet, since Cheryl will be there, since her brother is running in it. I will, however, be in the 
process of moving and switching info onto a new computer. So updates may be delayed. 
I will be starting my job with PUBS at UWEC on Monday, which should be exciting. 
And I will be seeing my spine surgeon on Tuesday, which should be nerve wracking.

As far as the trial went, it was much more interesting the second day, and then in deliberations. 
Its really hard to decide what should be done with another person's life. Although the vote was 
really lopsided from the start. We did find the defendant guilty of assault in the third degree, 
which is a felony. It was a case of road rage. There was a questionable traffic maneuver. One 
person (defendant) thought the other person (victim) cut him off. The defendant followed 
the victim to a nearby parking lot of a store, where the victim was headed to buy a lightbulb.
The defendant approached the victim, and a verbal argument over the traffic manuever ensued. 
The verbal argument turned into some shoving, and the defendant choked the victim at one point. 
The victim shoved the defendant back, and ran for the store. The defendant chased the victim, and 
pushed or grabbed for the victim, which propelled him into a plate glass window. The victim was cut 
severely on his hands, and it severed a tendon. So basically, it was people being frighteningly dumb, 
and not controlling their tempers. I'm glad it was not a more serious case, since it was difficult to decide 
as it was. And now I cannot be called again in Anoka county for 4 years (at which time, I doubt I'll be in 
Anoka county any longer).

June 5, 2001

Since I am currently at my parents house for jury duty, I do not have access to my computer 
and FrontPage. So I decided I wanted to update without screwing things up, since I won't 
be back in Eau Claire until probably Friday, and then I'll be occupied with getting ready to 
move things. Once I have settled, I'll put the normal news back up, which is currently here.

So, as I said, I'm on jury duty. I was on for two weeks, didn't get called the first week, but got 
called Monday, and put on a trial at the first selection for my panel. That was kinda good, if it 
wasn't for the boredom of trials. It might seem interesting on tv, but believe me, when you're 
sitting in the jury box, its not nearly as interesting. For now, all I can say is that it is a 
criminal trial. I'll give more when the trial is over and I can divulge the information.

Other than that.....ITS MY BIRTHDAY.
May 4, 2001
Busy Busy Busy Busy. 
Yesterday, I got to meet Scott Adams (not of Dilbert, of Adventureland and other text based games), and 
he bought me (and two other students) dinner at Dragonettis. Which was cool. 
And I went to the Jazz 1 concert, which was really good. It was Dr. Keezer's last jazz concert. 
I'm kinda sick, so I'm not going to write much. I want to go back to sleep, but I have a dress rehearsal
for the concert on Sunday first. Oh yeah, and once again, go to my concert. Its 2pm on Sunday in 
Gantner Hall. Its going to be really good. 
April 30, 2001
This past weekend was very busy. I had the University Symphony Orchestra concert, besides
working all weekend. The concert went better than we had expected. The audience reaction was
really good to both the Shostakovich and the Saint-Saëns. Not as good on the Hovhaness, but that
was to be expected. How many people really want to hear a piece that has whale songs played in the
background for most of it. Not me. I don't even like playing the piece. I have another concert on  
Sunday, that everyone should go to. The UWEC Wind Symphony this time. We have an awesome 
piece for solo saxophone and band, and our sax player is awesome. And we are playing the
Candide Suite and I have a couple big solos in that on English Horn. And we're playing the band
arrangement of "Nimrod" from "Enigma Variations" by Elgar, which is one of my favorite
pieces of all the classical music I've ever heard (or played). 
In other nice, happy news, I now have four and a half extra hours to myself a week. Since we just
played our major concert, and I'm not in the last concert for Orchestra, I am done for the semester,
which frees up four and a half hours a week. And it means that I can eat dinner before 7:30pm on 
Mondays and Wednesdays, which is also nice, since my stomach won't be grumbling all through 
Technical Editing class.
Other than that...not much else new. Went out Saturday night after work with some co-workers, and
was quite inebriated. Walked all the way home. I had an offer to go home with someone, but I knew
enough that it would not be a good idea to go home with some guy I had just met. And there was no
way I was driving. Serves me right for drinking too much. Off to class for me. 
April 25, 2001
Not much new here. Except for me having the joy of having an allergic reaction
last night, this time to broccoli that I had in my pasta that I got from work. 
Went to Danielle's engagement party on Monday night. Turns out that her
fiancée was in GTCYS with me, so I knew him about 5 years ago. We were in the
same orchestra for two years! Odd. I didn't remember him, but he remembered me.
I have a concert on Sunday at 2pm at Gantner Hall, if anyone wants to come. 
It's for orchestra, which won't be incredible this semester. Saint-Saëns' Third Symphony, 
Shostakovich's "Festive Overture" and Hovhaness' "And God Created Great Whales". 
April 13, 2001
Hehehe...its Friday the 13th!
Well, the concert went well...except for only 20 people showing up.
Check out my interactive fiction game. I have spent many hours on
it lately, to prepare for the beta release on Monday.
In other week until Viennese Ball!
April 6, 2001
Umm...not much new. COME TO MY CONCERT! If you can. 
At the time and date stated below (yes it is 7:30pm).
We are playing Mozart's Overture to the Marriage of Figaro, Mozart's
Symphony No. 25, Bach's Orchestral Suite No. 3, and Vaughan Williams'
Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis. 
March 28, 2001
Ok, back at school now and busy as ever.
Everyone in Eau Claire....Come to my concert!
Its for Clearwater Chamber Orchestra. Its April 8th at First
Congregational Church (corner of 3rd and Broadway) at...I think...
7:30pm. Its going to be really good!
March 19, 2001
Umm....I guess that's the main thing I wanted to say.
I'm on spring break this week, so call/e-mail/etc. I should 
be around and not as busy this week.
March 6, 2001
Sorry that it took so long to update. I've been very busy. 
School is pretty crazy right about now. I just got done with playing for
the opera on campus (Mother of Us All) which wasn't entirely fun. And now
I have band tour starting tomorrow. So I will be touring around Central and
Eastern Wisconsin. So don't expect any updates for probably at least a week.
I've been working on an interactive fiction game using "inform" programming
language. I'll post it once I get it to a reasonable state. Its based on 
"Mad Girl's Love Song" by Sylvia Plath. Which I wrote a music piece based on
in High School. Other than that....not much else is going on. Just really busy.