Tools & Applications for Network Management

Given the scarce number of broad-effective SNMP tools available, which tend to be both expensive,increasingly complex and often proprietary-tailored, and given my line of work, I felt the drive to design a set of such tools of my own, starting generalist (RFC-based) with worthy proprietary additions.
The result shall be put here for you to judge. Should you find merit in them, or have use for a tailored implement, please feel free to drop me an e-mail.
In fact, your feedback is very important to me since it will determine if any further actions will become necessary.
For (my) security purposes, these tools all have a limited timespan, after that, only a subset of functions will (if any) remain.

Interface Bandwidth Monitor
This projects aims at real time interface bandwidth monitoring, with up to 8 monitored ports at a time. It reads the MIB-II appropriate SNMP variables, upon a interface selection, further allowing the operations to hide/show/highlight set/series, absolute or percentage relative to interface bandwidth, save/retrieve data and export graphic form (metafile). Furthermore it has the unattended capacity to, daily at midnight, automatically save the previous day and restart the data sets. I have conducted some testing and so far it has proven quite reliable on a number of occasions, monitoring every kind of SNMP devices (hosts,switches, routers usw.) It recognizes most Cisco equipment providing the option to resourt to its proprietary rate variables.
Mind you, its readings shall only be as reliable as the SNMP indications it receives from each equipment. I just calculate and convey the results.
You can have several instances of the program active at the same time.

Actual display obtained from port activity on a Nortel Passport 8610

Actual display obtained from port activity on a Nortel Baystack 450 (weak usage)

File Size is roughly 250K - Click here to download.


The author shall not be deemed responsible for any proper or improper usage of this software.

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