
                 It's impossible
                 For a plane yellow pumpkin to become a golden carriage
                 For a plane country bumkin and a prince to join in marriage
                 And four white mice will never become white horses
                 Such fallderal and fiddleidy of coarses

                 But this world is full of zanny's and fools
                 Who don't beleive in sensable rules
                 And who won't beleive what sensable people say
                 But such dilly and daffy, doie, "I don't"s
                 Keep building up impossible hopes
                 Things are happening everyday.

                - Chommar Ipiet Ira Hani Apop -


                 from the "Cinderella" TV movie From: Kim R. My daughter and I
                 dissected the ENTIRE Cinderella movie so I hope this is right, no
                 matter. I think "Impossible" go more like this:

                 (Whitney) Impossible!
                 For a plain yellow pumpkin to become a golden carriage
                 For a plain country bumpkin and a prince to join in mairrage
                 And four white mice could never be turned to horses
                 Such falder-all-and-fiddley-dee-of-courses
                 But the world is full of zanies and fools
                 Who don't believe in sensible rules
                 and don't believe what sensible people say
                 And because-these-daff-and-dooly-ite(?)-dopes
                 impossible, things are happening everyday.'
                 Impossible (Brandy)
                 Impossible (Whitney)
                 Impossible (Brandy)
                 Impossible (Whitney)
                 Impossible (Brandy)
                 Impossible (Whitney)
                 Imposs-ible! (Whitney and Brandy)
                 (Brandy) It's possible, for a plain yellow pumpkin and a prince to join in
                 Quite possible, for a plain country bumpkin and a prince to join in marriage
                 (Whitney) And four white mice are easily turned to horses
                 Such falder-all-and-fiddley-dee-of-courses
                 (Brandy) Quite Poss-i-ble!
                 For the world is full of zanies and fools (Brandy)
                 Who don't believe in sensible rules (Whitney)
                 and don't believe what sensible people say (Brandy)
                 And because-these-daff-and-dooly-ite(?)-dopes
                 impossible, things are happening ev-ery-day. (Both)
                 >and so Cinderella goes to the ball

                - Chommar Ipiet Ira Hani Apop -

                There is Music In You

                 from the "Cinderella" TV movie

                 Impossible things are happening everyday...

                 Someone wants you
                 You know who
                 Now you're living
                 There's music in you

                 Now you'll hear
                 Something new
                 Someone's playing
                 The music in you

                 Now you're living
                 You know why
                 Now there's nothing
                 You won't try

                 Move a mountain
                 Light the sky
                 Make a wish come true
                 There is music in you

                 Now you can go where ever you want to go
                 Now you can do whatever you want to do
                 Now you can be whatever you want to be
                 And love is a song you will your whole life through

                 Move a mountain
                 Light the sky
                 Make a wish come true
                 There is music in you

                 In youuuuuuuuuuuuu...

                - Chommar Ipiet Ira Hani Apop -

                after the ball

                   S.Sister It looks that way
                   S.Sister The way you say
                   S.Mother She talks as if she knows
                   Brandy I do not know that this is so
                   I only just suppose
                   I suppose it when you come into the ballroom
                   and the room its self is floating in the air
                   and if your suddenly confronted by his hinece
                   you are frozen like a statue on the stairs
                   you are afraid he'll hear the way your heart is
                 beating and you know you must'nt make the first
                 advance you are seriously thinking of retreting
                 then you see to hear him asking you to dance.

                  A lovely night,A lovely night,A finer night you
                 know you'll never see.
                 you mat your prince your charming prince as
                 charming as a prince will ever be The stars in a
                 hazy heaven tremiable above you while he's
                 whispering darling I LOVE YOU you say good bye a
                 way you fly but on your lips you keep a kiss all
                 your life you'll dream of this lovely, lovely

                 [Then the stepsisters and stepmother sings]

                - Chommar Ipiet Ira Hani Apop -