Vox Ensemble


Visions  I Photos



Formed in January 1995, the Vox Ensemble began with a group of young adults who missed choral singing. Although its members hail from diverse professional and personal backgrounds, they are bound by their love to make good a cappella music.

Many of its members have sung extensively in choirs. As part of their development, they believe in participating in as many kinds of projects as their resources allow. This not only helps them maintain their versatility as singers, it also enriches them as musicians. To date, the members of the Vox Ensemble have taken part in the National Music Competition, performed at public places and private functions, recorded group vocals for jingles and commercial albums, and served as a demonstration choir for choral workshops.

The year 1996 saw the ensemble coming of age as a performing group with its first full-scale public concert. At present, it has 14 members. They have a repertoire that spans some 700 years and have performed in 10 different languages including Latin, French, Hungarian and Tagalog.

This year will be a different year of collaboration. Apart from aka a cappella II, and this concert VISIONS: an a cappella concert, Vox Ensemble will be working towards its major project for this year - their second annual concert (to be held in September).


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