Nicholas and Alexandra Exhibit

We attended on opening day, August 1, 1998 and went back again in September when the crowd was thinner. In Sept. we spent 6 hours in the exhibit (thank you to the docents who allowed us to leave to eat and return where we left off). The recommended time is 2 hours, but if you love the family, plan to spend the day. The exhibit has moved to Mobile Alabama. You can also visit the site on the net just click here! Even the web site is fabulous.

The most impressive artifacts this writer found: Nicholas' epaulettes on his uniforms, Nicholas' throne, Alexandra's coronation gown, Nicholas' last entry in his diary that July night in 1918, Catherine the Great's carriage, Nicholas' uniform he wore on his wedding day, and the painting of Alexander III's coronation.
It has not been announced where the exhibit will travel after it leaves Wilmington.

Now that we shared our favorites, fill out the forms below and let us know your favorites. If you haven't been there yet, bookmark this page and come back after the exhibit!
We are working on adding Alexei to the list. Individuals have emailed us about this and regret at this time the quizlets limitations with choices. As of 2/5/99 1 person has choosen him. If you are good at stats, you can figure him in. As soon as we can, we will remedy this problem. Thank you.

Tell Us Your Delaware Exhibit Favorites

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1) If you have visited the Delaware Exhibit, please tell us your favorite pieces.

After you hit send, you will come right back here. Thanks for your vote. Look for the statistics soon.

Nicholas | Alexandra| Olga | Tatiana | Marie | Anastasia

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