GS - XG - GM MIDI Software
and Visual Basic Code

This is a collection of MIDI utilities I use as well as some examples of MIDI code that you can use with Visual Basic 3.0 or above. I have even included a spreadsheet that accesses MIDI functions as well! EXCEL 5.0 or 95/97 required.

The utilities work fine under Windows for Workgroups 3.11 and Windows 95. They will probably work fine under Windows NT as well.

Be careful with the VB code. Save what you are doing before you try it. VB was NOT designed to handle MIDI and interrupts particularly well from what I have seen. Some of this code GPFs rarely when you use it incorrectly. You have been warned. I have tried all of this stuff under VB 3.0. Some of it has been compiled with VB 4.0 (16 bit). The last two examples were compiled with VB 5.0.

All code downloaded and used at your own risk. It all works fine on my machines. If it doesn't work on your's, that is your problem not mine <g>

FREE Visual Basic MIDI Code


VBSYXSEN is a little utility that allows you to send a GS RESET to a Roland Sound Canvas eg SCC1, SC-55, SC-88 etc. I bundle it with VBSYX. Here it is on its own with the source code. Uses a DLL. If this helps you to understand how to "talk MIDI" from VB, I'm glad! See later for a version that supports Yamaha XG as well.

VBMIDI1 (37K) - VB Send Sysex Message et al

This code sends SYSEX messages also. However, this also includes code to issue MCI commands to play/stop MID files and to send a test tone to a synth. More importantly, this code works with VB 3.0 without using a DLL!

VBMIDI2 (30K) - VB Send Sysex Message et al

Similar to the code above BUT for VB 4.0. For some reason, this code doesn't work under VB 3.0 - who knows why?

VBMIDI3 (320K) - VB Play Notes and Bend

VB code to choose an output port, play tones and bend notes. Trivial program but fun. VB 3.0. No DLL required. Includes Complete Help for the Microsoft MCI Interface. Invaluable!

VBMIDI4 (62K) - VB GS MIDI Jukebox

VB code which creates a MIDI jukebox using the MS MCI interface (see VBMIDI3 above for the HELP File). No DLL required. A working example of how to play, rewind, seek, pause etc MID files. NOTE: MIDI MAPPER not required! This code allows you to address the required output MIDI port directly! See GS/XG MIDI Jukebox for a version with tons of extra features.

VBMIDI5 (5K) - VB Send Sysex Message et al

Same as VBMIDI2 above BUT for VB 5.0.

VBMIDI6 (9K) - VB Play Notes and Bend

Same as VBMIDI3 above BUT for VB 5.0. See VBMIDI3 for the MCI Help File etc.


EXCEL (37K) - MS Excel 5.0 Spreadsheet

16 bit Excel code to choose an output port, play tones, send sysex, play MID files. Astonishing!

MidiWork97 (63K) - MS Excel 95/97 Spreadsheet

Finally! The EXCEL code above ported to 32 bit ie Office 95 and above. Many thanks to Erich Neuwirth. Amazing!

SYSEX Editors and FREE MIDI Tools

VB Stop Watch (12K) - Version 1.1

This Shareware utility has only one purpose in life. It is an extremely accurate stop watch. It was written for Gord Braun of SCUG. who couldn't find anything as good, anywhere. It has normal or SMPTE display and is accurate to 100th of a second. This version is full function. If you like it, send me $5 or buy the MIDI Jukebox! Then I'll consider writing more utilities like this one on request. Minimum requirements for use of this software are a complimentary email.

If you don't like the display colours, they can be changed with a command line argument. Register the software and I'll tell you how!

GS/XG MIDI Reset (31K) - Version 1.2

This Freeware utility allows you to set your SC-88/M-GS64 into SC-88 mode or SC-55 mode as well as performing a GS Reset. Provided for SCUG members and other Roland Sound Canvas freaks. Version 1.2 added Yamaha XG support as well as an "On Top" option. Highly recommended!

GS and XG CWP 6.0 StudioWare (9K)

This Freeware code is a set of StudioWare panels for Cakewalk Pro 6.0 or above. It allows you to control the sounds of your Roland GS or Yamaha XG modules from within Cakewalk. Highly recommended!


Gary Gregson's superb XG editor for all Yamaha XG sound card/sound modules.

MultiMid 1.08 (38K) - Hermann Seib's Multi MIDI Driver

Freeware/Shareware. Allows you to have multiple programs eg XG/GS MIDI Jukebox and Cakewalk talking to your sound card all at the same time. Also allows you to pipe the output of one MIDI program to another.

: Many of my users have reported having problems with this driver. I suggest you install MIDI Loopback (below) instead.

Midi Loopback 2.51 (38K) - Hubi's Loopback and Hardware Cable Drivers

Freeware. Allows you to have multiple programs eg XG/GS MIDI Jukebox and Cakewalk talking to your sound card all at the same time. Also allows you to pipe the output of one MIDI program to another. Use this code when Multimid won't work on your machine. This is the code I use on my machines. Highly recommended!

WSC55V1 (32K) - GS Reset and Plasma Display Editor

Does a GS Reset via MS Midi Mapper. Also, provides an easy way to program the SC Plasma Display.


The ultimate DOS MIDI Player. The only program I have left Win 3.11 for in the last 3 years! Now superseded to a great extent by GS/XG MIDI Jukebox (see above).

SCEDIT 2.11 (369K) - Sound Canvas SYSEX Editor

Arguably the best Windows Sound Canvas editor.

CANVASMAN - Sound Canvas SYSEX Editor

Jeff Cazel's Windows Sound Canvas editor. If you don't like SCEDIT, this is the editor for you!

WINSYSEX 3.0 (282K) - Generic SYSEX Editor

Roll your own Sysex Editor. Comes with a setup for the SCC1 that works fine for SC-55 as well.

SC88WSX (37K) - SC-88/M-GS64 SYSEX Editor

SC-88 and/or M-GS64 code for use with WINSYSEX above. Written by Nick Halliwell and yours truly. This is my version (Nick and I agree to disagree about some aspects of the interface). Works on SC-55 synths as well as they ignore the SC-88 specific SYSEX messages. Comes with WINSYXEX source code. RECOMMENDED!


A Bucket of DOS utilities to convert, analyse, fix MIDI files. "Must see" utilities from Gunter Nagler. Get the latest versions from the Author.

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This page and its links were last updated on 21st February, 1999.

Page Counter visitors have seen this page since 28/06/1998