Alygizakis E. Antonios
Professor of Byzantine Chant  and Musicology at the University of Macedonia
Protopsaltis of the Holy Patriarchal and Stavropegic Monastery of Vlatadon
Born in Herakleion of Crete in 1946 Antonios E. Alygizakis studied Byzantine Music at the Greek Conservatoire and Theology at the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki. He then received a scholarship from the Foudation of National Scholarships (I.K.Y.) and continued post-graduate studies in England. Currently, he is the Professor of Byzantine Chant and Musicology at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece. He is the Protopsaltis (head-chanter) of  the Holy Patriarchal and Stavropegic Monastery of Vlatadon. He published the first doctoral dissertation in hellenic Universities, concerning the Byzantine Chant tradition. He has participated in several international musicological and theological conventions with original and previously unreleased academic publications and has further published many historical, theoretical and hymnological papers, covering both Byzantine and post-Byzantine music. Furthermore, he has published musical material for  the course of studies "Tutorial of Liturgical Studies", at the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, which has been operating since the year 1966. For many years, he has been the academic supervisor of many university research programmes specialising in Byzantine Music from various important libraries, including those of Mount Athos. The fruit of this research is seen in the organisation of special photographic and musical archives. He happens to be the conductor and founder of the Byzantine University Choir since 1972.
