E a s t R a n d
Y o u t h
O r c h e s t r a


The orchestra has a wide repertoire of music, ranging from classical, including among others Beethoven, Dvodak, Berlioz, Tcliaikovsky, Handel, Rossini and Haydn; to light popular such as Andrew Lloyd Webber and Henry Mancini. Pienaar Fourie expects a high standard of musicianship from the players, and annually, auditions are held for children up to the age of matric. Currently there are over 50 players.
In 1997, the orchestra was privileged to accompany 'La Flambeau'- a children's choir consisting of ex- street children from Madagascar. The choir, who now lives in a mission in Antananarivo, extended an invitation to the orchestra to tour their country. This was in aid of their outreach program, as well as to promote classical and popular music. The aim was also to foster good relations between the children of both nations.
Consequently, the orchestra toured Madagascar in April 1998.This was the first visit by a symphony orchestra to Madagascar since 1971 and it was a huge success. A total of 16 concerts were given to audiences ranging from street children to scholars, ambassadors and diplomats. Local choirs sang with the orchestra and local musicians joined the orchestra for some concerts, playing their traditional instruments. Many new friends were made. The children were extremely impressed by the generous Malagasy hospitality, despite the dire poverty of their conditions. The local community opened their homes to our children, and anyone with a smattering of French was highly in demand.
Some of the specific items are:-
1. Les Preludes (Love, Storm, and Victory)
by Franz List arranged by Vernon Leidig
2. Memory
by Andrew Lloyd Webber arranged by Alan Gout
3. Finale from 5th Symphony
by Beethoven arranged by Charles Woodhouse
4. (Selections from) Phantom of the opera
by Andrew Lloyd Webber arranged by Calvin Custer
5. From the new world
by Antonin Dvorak arranged by C. Paul Herfurth
6. Hymn of joy from Symphony No.9
by Beethoven
7. Melodies from Messiah
by G.F. Handel
8. Prayer from Hansel and Gretel
by Engelbert Humperdinck
9. Sounds of silence
by Paul Simon
10. Ave Verum
by W.A.Mozart
11. Adagio
by Tommaso Albinoni
12. Czardas
by V. Monti
13. Overture from William Tell
by Rossini

The first pages of some of the conductors scores

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