Welcome to my Opera Theatre of Lucca Page.  Lucca is a medieval walled village located in Northern Italy.  I spent the summer of 1999 studying and singing in this lovely town.  This page includes pictures of the town as well as our production

A view of the Anfiteatro Romano (Roman Ampitheatre).  Also known as the Piazza Mercato.  I lived just outside of the Anfiteatro walls during my stay in Lucca. 

A view from inside of the Anfiteatro. I would sit outside in the middle of the Anfiteatro with my cast and friends eating gelato every evening after rehearsal.  Mmmmm gelato!

A view from the stage of the newly restored Teatro del Giglio, the Opera House of Puccini located in the Piazza Napoleone.  We sang for the voice faculty on this stage our first day in Lucca.  It was fantastic!

The Teatro dei Differenti of Barga, Italy (pictured right).  I performed in the 1999 Opera Barga Festival, in Barga, Italy (pictured left) on this stage.