
"Think ten times and practice once."
--Paul Pollei


1. Practice! This is the most important factor in getting better. I know it's said over and over again, but it's really that simple if you concentrate and do it right. Practicing a lot gets you comfortable with your instrument and you'll start to develop your own personal style of playing.

2. Break your practice sessions up into smaller ones. Several 15 minute practices can often be more effective than two hours of straight playing. Do what works for you and will be most producive.

3. Listen and go to see to other flute players. Notice the way they hold their instruments, their embouchure, tone quality, etc.

4. Don't eat or drink right before playing. You may not realize it, but all that gunk gets stuck in the headjoint under the opening.

5. Have fun! Playing should be enjoyable, not a chore.


When you're ready to practice...

1. Start with scales and low notes. They warm up your instrument and mouth. Harmonics are also another good warm-up choice.

2. Play songs slow if you haven't mastered a rhythm yet. Speed up the tempo notch by notch as you improve and work up to the normal speed.

3. Experiment. If you're having trouble with your tone, try different mouth positions, or the angle you are holding the instrument.

4. Sit up straight. Slouching can limit air intake and tone quality, so you'll sound better.

5. Always play the different scales and arpeggios. They are the building blocks of music and important to know.

6. Play etudes and published exercises. They are designed to help you on certain aspects of playing that may need work, such as trills or articulaion. Work on those that are related to songs you will be playing later during your practice.

7. If your practice session is really aggravating you, stop. Once you stop focusing clearly you'll just waste your time and aggravate yourself even more. Go take a break and come back to your flute when you're in a better state of mind. (But, this does not mean that you should stop every time you get a bit frustrated at something difficult!)
