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IFL Classes

Activities and links
Class notes
Notes from previous travels

Class notes

Students will be changing classes at the end of the semester. We have had an exciting adventure. We traveled around the world and learned about other countries, cultures, and languages. We also learned skills for learning a new language and we learned how to get along better with people who are from a different culture.

Notes from a previous class

 To fly directly to Peru click here.

IFL Classes have finished their tour of the Roman Empire. We heard about life in the Roman Empire from experts in the field. Neptune visited our third period class and told us about the Roman Gods. (His nickname was Rami.) In 6th period we enjoyed watching Kevin and Lauren model the clothing of the times. Georgia was quite an expert as she "wrapped them up".

After traveling through Austria, we entered Germany through Bavaria and visited Munich. We have been trying out some German expressions and learning about life in Germany. Since Germany has so many neighbors we are learning to name them all. After visiting Berlin we will head south to Switzerland. In Switzerland we will look for bears! We'll need to know our question words by then so we can ask people in German to help us locate the bears. Eleven students found the bear! He is BIG. Congratulations Chris for being the first to locate him. Others who were successful are Richard, Costa, Rami, Peter, Blair, Lara, Sarah, Elizabeth, Allison, and Kevin. Way to go! They had to do all of their hunting using German!

Bon Voyage! We have left France now. We spent the first week in May working hard on the new sounds and phrases. The second week we visited many famous places in France. The students used internet links to become informed tourists. Our last week we learned about the French influence on the English language. We also completed a map with the major rivers, mountain ranges, and cities in France.

We had one week to visit Spain! During that week we worked on the letters and the calendar. Did you know that the Spanish calendar starts on Monday? We practiced the days of the week and the months of the year. We learned to ask and answer questions about special dates. We took a video tour of Spain and heard about the many influences from other cultures.

In June we visited Latin America. We learned basic Spanish greetings and numbers. We checked the weather in the Spanish speaking countries and found the best places to visit. You can check it out too by going through the links doorway on the first page. Brandon decided to visit Peru. I will leave you with his impressions. Hasta luego. We're headed home to learn about American Sign Language. It's been a great trip!

A Trip to Peru

by Brandon

Peru is a country located on the North Western part of South America with the Pacific Ocean on it's Western border. Peru is a country with a lot of history. It was once the home of the great civilization of the Incas, a group of Indians which flourished in the area until the Spanish conquered them in the late 1600's. The Incas built an impressive empire and style of architecture that is still seen today in parts of Peru.

If you ever visit Peru you might want to stay in the capital of Lima where you can see the buildings and museums of the country. One museum is the Gold Museum where you can see all of the gold treasures of the Incas and the Spanish. Another thing you can do in the city is see the great beaches where you can get a tan, swim in the water and take relaxing walks on the shore. If you don't like the beach you can see a bull fight. Bull fights are very common in Peru and some people in Peru will buy season tickets to the event. Many people from Spain even come to Peru to see the bull fights. If you see one you will be impressed by the skill. If bull fighting is not your thing you may enjoy soccer. Soccer is the most liked sport in Peru with a great national team. Maybe Peru will one year hold the World Cup.

If you are not a city person you can see all of the sites of the country like the Amazon Rain forest with many of the worlds most exotic and rare animals. You can take a hike in the Andes mountains where you can visit the cliff city of Machu Pichu. Machu Pichu was an Inca city. They built it as a refuge against the Spanish invaders. The city is one of the oldest cities in the Americas. It is said that one of the stones in the city is 200 tons, but the closest quarry in the area is more than 40 miles away.

Peru is a country that has it's own unique and great features that make it one of the most beautiful countries in the world.


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