新 Year | 新 Mind | 新 Idea

碳 氫 氧 化
C6H12O6 ----> 2 C2 H6 O + 2 C O2

gravitational field, electrical magnetical field.

hem, margin; reason, cause; karma, fate
use, employ, apply, operate; use
kind, charitable, benevolent
to help, aid, relieve; to ferry, cross
humble, modest
path, road, street; method, way

In any situation, 用 heart, 用 hand 用 feet.

Having 慈濟 heart.

Then, 謙道.
We all should have Chinese 道.
That's I call the 200% Chinese are doing the way.
While I take some time to compose this little

How do you think?

we ride on bamboo horse and green 梅.
快 樂: Happy

快 rapid, quick, speedy, fast; soon
樂 happy, glad; enjoyable; music
空穴 風 從
trip to US 舊金山灣區 SFO Bay

 黃老思想華夏 先賢軒轅氏 老聃氏心傳 與大自然之人
口授 乎文字載乎黃湯也 老而斗量可飲者寥寥幾人哉
 好  除 舊 佈 新   
Come on, Wuhow. I am no monk. I still keep my hair,
plenty of them. Yes, it is all white, but I can dye it


Wuhow write:
What is 力學? 
 Hope you understand how am I eager to talk about it,
 hope some of you do  about it 
 Any way, it is not dream, the young Chinese will
 fullfil the industrial 
 achievemant  of supercomputer.

 one electron one proton -> one molecular
 chemical bonding 

解 決 方 法 :和尚 常常 問!,
Best Regards, little monk, wuhow 2005 10/10 10:10 PDT
 寄件者 :  Peng Howard  <howardpeng@hotmail.com>
 日期 :  2005年8月1日 14:33:14 (PDT)
 收件者 :  wuhow_peng@yahoo.com 
 副本 :  pingchenliu@hotmail.com 

My Dear Classmates:


If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first four sharpening the
axe. "Abraham Lincoln"
Road in the vovage beneath your foot(one is foot, two is feet),
keep your two legs moving on is the Chinese word
English defination : do, go; walk; move, travel; circulate
hope you see it: big5: 行
中國地 洋
活, Now is the best time
郵件附件: 接收信 go.txt(< 0.01 MB)
天 天空

As I focus on the scientific event last week, and re-read the college physics science booksss. I will say something about self-defence. Do What works. Do what I am. 青山綠水 {[ Chinese word: 言] [English defination: words, speech, speak, say ] }

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=big5">
<title> title line </title>
body lines
--- stone mountain wrote: > Subject: Can you see our Chinese Phonetic Symbols >
﹛ [ ㄅㄆㄇㄈ ㄉㄊㄋㄌ  ㄍㄎㄏ ㄐㄑㄒ ㄓㄔㄕㄖ ㄗㄘㄙ ㄚㄛㄜㄝ ㄞㄟ﹜ ﹛ ㄠㄡㄢㄣㄤㄥㄦㄧㄨ ㄩ ] [ˉˊˇˋ ]
[ 輕聲 第二聲 第三聲 第四 聲 ] ﹜ Bill Hsien, Kuo-Jay, HS Hsieh, Tom Chiang, Ed Soong,﹜
Ed Lee: ﹜
Any problem, please reply to Howard﹜

Kind Regards,﹜

          For example,  the Chinese word -
          Defination is "humane being".
          The [人] unicode is 4EBA;

           The representation of code has five parts :
            i.   &   
           ii.   #
          iii.   x
           iv.   4EBA
            v.   ;
﹛ 人 big5 code : [¤H] Only with Big5 encoding as below.

﹛ ¨¥ is the big5 code for the English defination: words, speech; speak, say 言 say Hello
﹛ more on the Chinese coding see:

﹛Do you receive the email that I send thru cd1968@anew.net﹜
﹛I am forwarding this email because the hotline cd1968@anew.net is down.﹜
﹛For now, I will sent my email to [ (the other party) =﹜
﹛( email address of my classmate) ]﹜

Best Regards,

Dear Yih Ching,

﹛1. I am sendng this email about email problem of cd1968@anew.net.﹜
﹛2. Your knowlodge can tell what is going on, Edward Soong said something like ﹜
﹛﹛﹛[EdwardCKang@gmail.com] was﹜﹜﹜
﹛﹛﹛put in [edsoong@anew.net] [outlook mailer] 's junk.﹜﹜﹜
﹛how long ago, not important, I should not guess,...﹜
﹛3. I reported Edward Soong about this case this Monday(Feb 9, 2004)﹜
﹛﹛﹛Waiting for the trouble shooting.﹜﹜﹜

﹛Dear Hui-Ping,﹜
﹛I do not receive the photo, please send me the photo to ﹜
﹛[heartsealand@yahoo.com ]﹜

﹛Take care, Take easy.﹜
Have a nice day, everyday, on and on.

﹛{[Work at America] : [lesson one] [(get the licence), (ready) and (go) ]}﹜
﹛{[base]基 : 土 坤 }

﹛Best Regards,﹜

東 南 西 北


    東南                 西南

 東                                西

    東北                 西北


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  Peng Howard 頂天立地  
  Peng Howard 東 南 西北 
  howard peng 月上柳梢頭 人約黃昏後 
  Peng Howard 月上柳梢頭 人約黃昏後  
  howard peng Chinese Wisdom is "生生不息... 
  howard peng 春天 2005 5/23 22:31 
  Peng Howard FW: 幹細胞 http://www.24dr... 
  Peng Howard Hiking 5/30 at Sunol 
  Peng Howard  中文 彭武皓  彭祖是神話人物 
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放家 沒有學校了 我的中文

CJK Unified Ideographs (Unihan) which are a part of the Unicode Standard
丫 = &#x4E2B; 接著來了個 Ali Baba
貿 易 商 raise, laud
Great Wall, the Grand Canal and the Forbidden City, to the megalomania of Communist leader Mao Zedong. I do little bit of Chinese Writing use njstar, I find 三字经 is little bit different from the one I bought in Taiwan(Historical reson).
I will like add some 不三不四的句子
Wuhow Peng , April 10, 2006. email中 文 郵 件 big5 日期 : 2006 年 4 月 10 日 5:41:36
Wuhow_Peng@yahoo.com 子時習习郵件 Daniel Yu <danielYu@yahoo.com :
Regarding gravitational force, only the weight counts.
Any findings and comments?

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