Manchester 6th May 1999

Set List

Concert Review by Linda Holmes:

Another great concert except that I was devastated to see that Kas has re-grown his beard! I hope it’s just a passing phase again!

The acoustic set was shorter again and I was amazed to see that 99% of the audience sat through it! I was the only person in the sixth row to remain standing through it! Do people really come to a Meat Loaf concert and expect to sit?! How could they sit when Kas sang the first verse of The Beatles’ Slow Down solo? Ray made a passable attempt at the second verse too but his voice really isn’t strong enough.

Meat Loaf’s biological daughter Amanda joined them on stage for the beginning of DeadRinger. It was good to see Pearl guiding her through it. For some reason Meat Loaf didn’t change into his tux for Paradise – was this deliberate I wonder, especially as I’m sure that Patti usually wears long gloves too which were missing.

The encore was a good surprise as they performed Summertime Blues again (with Kasim singing the deep parts), followed by All Revved Up! It was a great finale to the concert to end with a Meat Loaf song rather than a lesser known rock’n’roll track!

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