Hello there! Welcome to Angel Lovers Anonymous! This site is dedicated to David Boreanaz and the characters he plays and is a place where people can come to share their addiction to him. First of all, if you don't know who David Boreanaz is all I can say is SHAME ON YOU!! No, I'm just kidding, but to learn about him go here. Please feel free to browse my gallery and make sure you join the Angel Lovers Anonymous Club, so we can hear from you. Have a web site? Then join my web ring, it's at the bottom of this page. This site is constantly under construction, so please be patient. If you have any suggestions on how to make this site better e-mail me. Oh, and by the way, if you encounter the initials "ALA" this simply stands for Angel Lovers Anonymous.

Want to join a David discussion list? See below:

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"Angel" follows "Buffy" on Tuesday nights on the WB network. The fun starts at 8/7 central!


Angel's Tattoo
Ever wondered about that tattoo on Angel's back? Well click here to find out!

Click here to nominate your favorite(or not so favorite) characters for the first ever Angel Lover Anonymous Awards.

What site would be complete without a gallery? Here is my small one.

Sam Rockwell
Another little obsession of mine. Don't know who Sam is? Click here to find out a little about him.

Some links to other Angel/Buffy sites.

The official UNofficial Angel Lovers Anonymous Club.

Obsessed Much?
Wanna know if you're obsessed? Well check out these top ten ways to figure out if you've got an addiction.

Get Your Fortune
Wanna know what the future holds for you? Click here to find out.

Fan Fiction
A couple fan fiction stories.

About David
This is some history about the object of our infatuation.

E-mail me!
I'd love to hear what you've got to say. Have any suggestions for the site? Let me know!

You know what would be really cool? If you would link to me. If you wanna, here's my banner:

and here's the code:
<*a href="http://www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Dome/1950"><*img src="//www.oocities.org/TimesSquare/Dome/1950/banner.gif"><*/a>
Make sure you remove all of the *'s! And there's no need to save the banner to your hard drive and upload it to your page. It'll work without that.

Disclaimer: The graphics on this site are not mine,unless otherwise specified. If you see any of your work on here, please e-mail me so I can give you credit. The Angel Lovers Anonymous Logo was created by Little Slayer. All the writing on this page is original, so please don't use any of my work without asking me. If I'm infringing on any copyrights, please notify me and I'll fix it but try not to sue me, cause I don't like that very much. Any infringements that occur are unintentional.

I'm a member of
the Sunnydale Cheerleading Squad!
I'm a member of the Sunnydale High Cheerleading Squad.

Do you love David? Prove it...

This Angel Lovers Anonymous site is owned by Brea-Anne
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