Questions from Aeris:
Q1: What enemy can you steal the hardedge from?
A1: Ok...'Aeris'...the answer is the 3rd Soldier which can be found in the Shinra Building.
Q2: What chocobo do you need to reach Quadra Magic?
A2: What kind of question is this?  You'd have to be a complete moron not to know the answer which would obviously be the gold chocobo since it can go anywhere on the map.  If you must know what other chocobos you can use they are the green and the black.  The only ones that can't are the yellow and blue since they can't go over mountains.....phew!
Q3: Name every chocobo nut.
A3: A list! Great.....Zeio, Carob, Porov, Pram, Lasan, Saraha, Luchile, and..........................Pipio!
Q4: Name all the enemies that can be morphed into sources.
A4: These lists keep getting longer and longer.  Geez!  The answers are: Dragon Rider, Heavy Tank, Killbin, Maximum Kimaira, Poodler, Screamer, Serpent, Sonic Speed, Spiral, Unknown 1, Unknown 2, Unknown 3, 8 Eye, Armoredgolem, Badrap, and last but not least Baghadrana.  There I'm done.  Are you happy?
Question from Dawn Read:
Q: Where can you talk to Mukki?
A: Ah, Mukki.  I remembered this 'guy' the moment I saw his name.  Could you really forget?  You can talk to him at the Honey Bee Inn in the Wall Market in the Slums of Midgar.
Question from Bruce R. Montgomery:
Q: What was the final Mystery Prize at the Gold Saucer?
A:  Do you think I wouldn't have got the mystery prize?  Don't make me laugh.  Remember I'm the MASTER! Hahahahah!  The mystery prize is gil plus materia, which I might add is a nifty gift.
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