Applications for the 2006 Criswell Memorial Scholarship are now open. Deadline for application is March 15, 2006. The scholarship is open to Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, residents.

Application in PDF form

Criswell Memorial


The Criswell Memorial Scholarship was established by the Criswell family following the death of Ada businessman Jerry Criswell. Jerry was an avid supporter of the arts and former president of the Ada Arts and Humanities Council. The council is administrator of the scholarship fund and is responsible for disbursing funds to applicants.

Competition is open to all native or legal residents of Pontotoc County. Applicants must be a rising university senior, graduate student or professional person in the arts. The amount of the award will be variable based on the income of the trust from the previous year. The amount given this year will be $1,000. The committee reserves the right not to make an award if a qualified candidate does not apply, or to make multiple awards if it so deems. Return applications to:

Ada Arts Council
PO Box 453
Ada OK 74821-0453

Deadline for retuning the complete application is March 15, 2006. The award will be announced in mid-April.

Applications also available from your department or contact Rudy Lupinski at 332-8648. If downloading this application from the web, please click here for the document in PDF form.