ðHgeocities.com/Vienna/Stage/2084/davidensemble.htmgeocities.com/Vienna/Stage/2084/davidensemble.htm.delayedxæ~ÕJÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÈЪšVOKtext/html€˜ƒ9šVÿÿÿÿb‰.HTue, 12 Dec 2000 05:39:36 GMT»!Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *å~ÕJšV David Ensemble - Ensemble information
David Ensemble was established in 1975 and was composed of four artists; George Kyrillos, the conductor of the ensemble, chanter and lute player, Nagi Fayek a pianist, Edward Hanna a violinist and Moris Aziz a guitarist. They specialized in performing “Coptic Hymns” which are about 2000 years old and have survived the past centuries and reached us by handing them over from generation to generation through ‘oral tradition’.

This hymnal tradition is considered the natural continuation of the Pharaonic hymns, and the existence of which of which due to its preservation by the Coptic Orthodox Church is considered to be a miracle that astonished the entire world.

The ensemble is also distinguished for presenting the psalms which were written and composed by David the Prophet about 5000 years ago, the music of which had perished and nothing has remained but its meaningful words which fathom the soul and scare the spiritual hosts of wickedness. The ensemble tried to put the music for these psalms in a deep spiritual and scientific way, which made a lot of people feel that these tunes might be those that have been composed by David the Prophet himself.


David Ensemble has performed several times all over Egypt, including a participation in the Christmas 2000 celebration at the Cairo Opera House,     a performance at the American University in Cairo (AUC) and at both the French and Italian Cultural Centres.

In addition, they participated in a number of international festivals abroad such as the two famous performances that were organized by the Egyptian Centre for culture and arts ‘Al-Yasmina’ at the ‘Festival of Sacred Arts’ that was held in Paris, France in December 1995 and ‘Orient Festival’ in Stockholm, Sweden in June 1997.

The ensemble also performed ‘Golgotha’ hymn, which has pharoanic roots that date back five thousand years, accompanied by the Sophia Philharmonic Orchestra and the choir of the district of Venice in two great performances at the Marceille Opera House and the Basilic Cathedral in Saint-Denis in Paris in 1998. There , Monica George – twelve years old and the youngest member of the ensemble , presented a solo performance accompanied  by the lute that fascinated the French audience. Upon the invitation of the Egyptian Embassy in France, David Ensemble performed in January 2000 in the Arab World Institute in Paris and in the southern French city Agd.

Photos from the places where the Ensemble had performed.


The biggest international and local newspapers and magazines had written in admiration of the ensemble for its outstanding performance. From the famous newspapers that wrote about the ensemble were the French ‘Le Figaro’, the Swedish ‘D.N.’ and the Egyptian ‘Al-Ahram’, ‘Al-Akhbar’ and “Wattany”, in addition to the international magazines like “Re-Orient”, “Musical”, “Le Politan” and the 1995 edition of Paris municipality book.

Worldwide radio and television channels have also broadcast several records for the ensemble and interviews with the leader and founder of the ensemble, the conductor George Kyrillos. Among those channels were ‘Ben Ali TV’, ‘Min. Spr. Red.TV’, ‘Miniatyr TV’, ‘Arab Radio’, ‘TV-reports’ and ‘Can Saydam Radio’.

David ensemble has also set the sound track of many religious films that were directed by the great Egyptian director ‘Samir Seif’, such as the films ‘Saint Mina’ in 1989, ‘Saint Barsoum the bare’ in 1990 and ‘Saint Demiana’ in 1991.

The ensemble has released a lot of records including a series of albums titled ‘Christ’s Crucifixion’, ‘The Resurrection’, ‘Comforts’ and ‘The Virgin’. They have also released a CD that was produced by Arab World Institute in Paris and participated in the CD titled ‘The Egyptian Mozart’ produced by Virgin Classics Ltd. with the organization from  The Egyptian Centre for Cultural and Arts managed by Dr. Ahmed Al-Maghraby (who holds the position of the Cultural Attaché of Egypt in Paris). The latest album the ensemble has released was titled ‘Early Coptic Hymns’ (as a cassette and CD) that included hymns from the holy liturgy for example ‘Hiten ni presvia’, ‘Agios’ and ‘Amen ton thanton’; hymns from the midnight praise such as ‘Arihouo-Chasf’ and ‘Aripsalin’; and from those chanted in the Holy Week like ‘Golgotha’.

What does the press say about the Ensemble.


And over the past twenty four years, since the ensemble has started its ministry, a large number of professional players and chanters who possess scientific degrees in music such as Ph.D., Masters  and Diploma joined the ensemble until the number of members reached 27. The famous cantor, ‘Ibrahim Ayad’, the disciple of his holiness “Pope Shenouda III”, also joined the ensemble in presenting a large number of performances inside and outside Egypt.

The ensemble has gained wide popularity as it is distinguished for presenting the Coptic hymns and psalms with an attractive spiritual and scientific style, and for the truthful performance overflowing with emotions by the choir members who were selected with great care.


Throughout the past 25 years, David ensemble was able to be a guide and a lighthouse on the praising path and transferred it from the local scale of amateurish and unprofessional work to the worldwide scale of professionalism and the scientific way mixed with the spiritual performance.

However, the ensemble was not satisfied by just composing and presenting several performances, but it contributed to the establishing of a number of religious groups and orchestras such as ‘The Coptic Church Orchestra and Choir’ and ‘Nazer Al-Ilah Orchestra and Choir’ but itself remained the leader and the most distinguished among the rest of groups which appeared during this period of time