Yes, yes, welcome to the first and only Musical Horoscope page on the net. I hope that this is is appealing to you and I also hope you enjoy.

Flutes: If your a flute player then your probably smart, strong, out-going, and have a lot of friends. But you might want to watch out for low brass players because some of them may not enjoy your high pitched melodies.

Compatibility: Trumpets, clarinets and saxophone players are OK, but stay clear from tuba players.

Clarinet: If you play the clarinet then your most likely to be strong, and strong-willed, skilled and talented, smart, and of course, romantic. The future is always in your past and the past is always in your future. As the same for flute players, watch out for the low brass section.

Compatibility: Flutes, trumpet and French horn players are advised.

Oboe: If the oboe is your skill then you are smart, very talented, well rounded, cunning, dexterous, and clever. Beware of clarinets though, because its just genetic for them to dislike you.

Compatibility: Flutes, French horns, and trumpet players are all right, but steer clear from clarinets.

Bassoon: If you play the bassoon, then congratulations, you could probably get a scholarship where-ever you want. The “requirements” of a bassoon player is being smart, flexible durability , expressive, affected, and pulchritude. Your biggest concern is the trombones, because when your not there, they have to play your cues.

Compatibility: Clarinets, oboes, French horns, trumpets are OK, but reflect the trombones.

Bass Clarinet: If you play this instrument then you are smart, fun, outgoing, “wild”, open-minded, and talented. You really don’t have any concerns to think about, so have fun!

Compatibility: Whatever you choose.

Saxophone: Saxophone players can vary. You can get all different shapes and sizes of saxophones that its not even funny! Basically, what all saxophone players have in common is they’re all gifted. But beware of trumpet players for their music is not always as cool as yours.

Compatibility: Clarinets, other saxophones, French horns, trombones, and baritones are OK, trumpets are a no, no.

Trumpet: If these trumpet is your name then flying is your game. Your music can be hard work, buy let yourself soar, because intelligence is your strong point and slaking is your weak. I suggest keeping your eye out for everyone because the trumpet position is a well desired spotlight.

Compatibility: Flutes, clarinets, oboes, bassoons and bass clarinets are A-OK! But saxophones are your nightmare.

French horn: Playing the French horn can be demanding work, but your quiet personality can over come. Whether its blowing through the mellophone, or triple tonguing your concert solo........French horns........out hats off to you. Like the bass clarinets, you have no enemies, so smile, and I hope that made your day.

Compatibility: Who wouldn’t love ya?!

Trombones: Well trombones. I must say you are very determined people. You should hold your head with pride because the trombone is a tricky instrument to master, and if you’ve played on into high school then you are truly gifted. But I would advise you not to strut to much because the bassoon is not on your side. And another thing, you are most likely not compatible with fellow low brass players, so don’t even try.

Compatibility: Saxophones, bass clarinets, and of course, French horns.

Baritones: If you play the baritone then you are most likely strong, smart, out-going, open-minded and misunderstood. Unfortunately the baritone is the only brass instrument that is not included in a orchestra. For that we’re sorry, the baritone has earned its right there. Your enemy is most likely the trombones, they just don’t know it. Keep your senses keen!

Compatibility: Like the trombones, stay away from other low brass. But! Bass clarinets, French horns and saxophones are OK.

Tubas: If you play this “umpa, umpa” then you are most likely to be like the bass clarinets. Out-going, “wild” and open minded. Congratulations, you’ve strived to be different in this world. Not only that but if you play this monstrosity of a horn then your probably in good shape. As far as your enemies I would say it would be the entire wood wind section, because it is your mission and goal in life to over play them in band. But of course the bass clarinets and saxophones love you because you share the same mission.

Compatibility: Well since the low brass isn’t advised and the wood winds hate you, all that is left is, saxophones, bass clarinets, French horns, and the trumpets, or percussionist.

Percussionist: Well what kind I say about percussionist? Heck they are basically from their own planet. Their smart, talented, and well skilled in the art of playing with sticks. The only real enemy of the percussion is the Band Director, so watch your step. And if you happen to be the Band Director’s child, then I’m sorry, I can’t help you there, I’m only a web page provider. :)

Compatibility: Who knows?

~written by Leeanne "Tubaghost" Johnson©