Calming Your Nerves

Audtioning and playing in front of people can be scary sometimes.
Hopefully this page will help you a little.

  • Always remember that you're not the only one who gets nervous. Even the best of us do!

  • Keep in mind that even if you mess up, it's not the end of the world. The person listening is rooting for you, and continuing as if it didn't happen will make you look good.

  • Eat a banana before playing. Supposedly the potassium in it helps to have a calming effect on your nerves.

  • Get to the audition/performance site early and warm up. Give yourself enough time to find the room you'll be playing in. There's no need to give yourself extra stress about being late.

  • It goes without saying, but know your music inside and out. Not only will you feel more confident in yourself, but it will save you points that are easier to lose with sight reading.

  • Enjoy your time playing! It's what you love, so play your heart out and have fun.
