                  Bagpipe Cafe this Saturday & Sunday at the DeCoste Centre.
We will be serving our famous soup and also selling tickets on a beautiful hand made table. All those who are working those days, please be there wearing your kilt and white blouse. We want people to know you are Heatherbells. Parents are reminded that Darlene will be calling for help with materials for the Cafe

The Glass Christmas Ornaments money should be turned in now. Any extra unsold boxes can be sold at the Bagpipe cafe.

Regal Catalouges and orders need to be in by next week at the latest. Be sure to complete these and turn them in ASAP. You can give them to me or Sheila at school and we will do the rest. Remember do not collect any money untill your items are delivered to your customers
Fundraising Events
1. The Glass Christmas Ornaments figures were well recieved and are easy to sell. PLease bring in your money by next week. We still have a few left if you need more.

2. Everyone now has their Regal Catalouges and order forms. This is an easy fundraiser. All you have to do is casually leave the catalouge and order forms around your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles or neighbors and they do the rest! There are some great items in the catalouge and a lot of people wait each year for their catalouge. Be sure to put your name on the order form and remember, you do not need to bring any money until you recieve your items.

3. Darlene is once again organizing  our BAGPIPE  CAFE at the Christmas by the Sea at the DeCoste next Saturday and Sunday. She will be calling soon for help in preparing our famous soup, muffins, etc. Please be sure to give her a hand as this is a big job and a great fundraiser. We will also need some Heatherbells to help out in serving.
Oct 25th/00
There will be three main fundraisers between now and Christmas.

1. I have some beautiful glass Christmas Ornaments figures that we can sell for $12/ for a box of three. This is an excellent price and they will be easy to sell. They are available now. I have them at my house.

2. We always take orders for the Regal Christmas Catalouge. I expect we will have some catalouges in the next couple of weeks. This is an easy project as a lot of people wait for this sale each year, so all you have to do is give them a catalouge and fill the order forms.

3. The "Christmas by the Sea" event at the DeCoste Centre is going to be held onthe weekend of Nov. 5th. We usually run the BAGPIPE CAFE and sell tickets on items during the weekend. Is also a great fundraiser. We will need parents help and also some senior Heatherbells to help serve soup, etc.
Oct 4th/00
The Teachers Union Lobster dinner was a great success. Anyone that was needed would have been called by Darlene
June 7th
Turkey Dinner & Silent Auction. To View more information on this, Press Here
April 29th
Pancake Dinner is Being held on April 15th, by the Rotary Club form 8am to 2pm at the United Church. Heatherbells will be helping serving meals and will get 1/2 of the profits.
April 15th
Heatherbells  have tickets to sell on an Easter Basket. They are also reminded to bring in one item.

Penny Harvest is Here. Senior Heatherbells   and students have penny bags now. All penny bags are asked to be brought in by April 1st. They are asked to collect pennies, or whatever little change.

We will be holding our annual Turkey dinner and Silent auction. we will be looking for donations from local stores and also from people on items to auction. This is planning to be held on Sat. April 29th.( see Important notice on home page for more info)
Feb. 16th
March 1st
Feb. 2-
Feb 9th
The Valentines Day basket draw is on Feb. 9th. All tickets or basket items to be turned in by then.
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