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Episode #12

Do you remember that ball we've been talking about where they'll send a young kid, Lou, to college? Well, that happens now.

People have already arrived as Ben and Meg walk in. The part is about to begin as Sara walks up to Ross and Maria.

SARA: Maria, can we talk for a minute? Alone.

MARIA: ...Okay, excuse me, Ross.

He walks towards some people it appears he knows.

SARA: Um, I've been meaning to do this for a couple of months now, but haven't had the chance.

MARIA: The chance to do what, Sara?

SARA: Apologize. I pegged you for a scheming liar when we found out who were until the truth came out. I am sorry. You're a very nice person, and I know you'd never do anything to hurt my sister, or anyone else.

MARIA: Thank you, Sara. That's very big of you.

SARA: You're welcome, I guess.

MARIA: Congratulations on your engagement. Casey's a good man, and you'll be happy.

SARA: I guess it's my turn to say thank you.

MARIA: You're welcome. Sara, I hope you and I can be friends. Without that temper of yours, you can be a very nice person.

SARA: I just look out for those I care about.

MARIA: You remind me of Annie, in that sense.

SARA: Yeah? Well, she's turning out much differently than I pictured.

MARIA: Given the right chances Annie can make anyone know that she is not a bad person.

They begin chatting away. Across the room Meg is talking to Casey.

MEG: Are you two planning your wedding?

CASEY: Actively. It's tiring.

MEG: I know what you mean. Anything I can do, let me know. I love you, Casey. You're my best friend.

CASEY: Thank you, Meg. I'm going to go find Sara.

MEG: Yeah, I see Vanessa, I'd like to talk to her.

They part ways. Emily is talking to Brad, Sean is at a small table as Amy approaches him.

AMY: Hi.

SEAN: What do you want?

AMY: I just want to be believed that I can be trusted.

SEAN: You can't be trusted, Amy.

AMY: Yes, I can.

SEAN: Give me one good reason.

AMY: Okay. Can we just talk alone, please?

SEAN: Will you leave me alone to rest of the night if I do?

AMY: I swear.

SEAN: I don't believe you...but okay.

They walk into a back room together, while Emily is talking to Brad.

BRAD: Just watch out for her, especially tonight.

EMILY: I will, thanks, Brad.

BARD: You look really nice tonight, Emily.

EMILY: Thank you.

They're talking when the lights dim and Gabi, Michael, Vanessa, Casey, Meg, and Ben walk up to the small stage area to speak. Antonio and Ricardo look in shock when the lights brighten again and they see Gabi. Ben steps up to the microphone to speak.

BEN: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us this evening. Thanks to you, we can send this young man down here to college for four years. Thank you. I'm keeping this very short so you can hear the reason for this fund.

He steps back and Gabi speaks.

GABI: About two years ago my very best friend, Mark Wolper, was murdered. Mark was a loving, caring person who tried to make every one around him as comfortable and as happy as he was. He had a lot of dreams too. Because he died so young, he didn't get to realize those dreams. So that the dreams of other young people can be realized we have set up this foundation which you people have so generously contributed to. You have helped us make a dream come true tonight, and I know that Mark is looking down on us and smiling at what we have all done. Thank you, enjoy the evening.

She steps down and Antonio and Ricardo make a bee line for her from different directions.

ANTONIO: Gabi? What are you doing here, when did you get back?

RICARDO: I'd like to know that myself.

GABI: And you deserve to know, both of you.

ANTONIO: There are some rooms in the back, we can go there.

They walk off.

Olivia and Caitlin are standing near a table, next to them is Meg and Sara, and on the other side is Annie and Maria. The set up u of this is actually very important.

OLIVIA: Don't look now, Cait, but the devil herself is standing right next to us.

ANNIE: I heard that.

CAITLIN: You were supposed to, Annie. But, being you I can see how you didn't get that.

ANNIE: Don't mess with me Caitlin, I'm not in the mood.

OLIVIA: If only Gregory had done away with you when he had the chance.

ANNIE: Watch it, Olivia.

OLIVIA: You're nothing but a snake with no feelings for anyone but herself. And your bastard children will probably turn out the same way!

Annie goes to punch Olivia, but Olivia ducks and Annie hits Meg instead, right in the nose.

ANNIE: Meg, I am so sorry. I wasn't aiming for you. I meant to hit Olivia.

MEG: You bitch! You meant to do that.

ANNIE: No, I didn't.

MEG: You've always hated me and wanted what I have and now you're punching me for absolutely no reason?

SARA: Meg, I don't think she meant to hit you.

MARIA: She didn't.

OLIVIA: Meg, she hates you, me, and Caitlin, she could have been going for either of us.

CAITLIN: She's right, Meg.

ANNIE: Would you two shut up? Meg, I said, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hit you.

MEG: I know you did, Annie. And that truce we called, it's over.

SARA: Come on, Meg. You're bleeding. Let's get it cleaned up.

MARIA: Annie, let's go cool off. I'll get some wine, you'll get some water. We'll find Jude.

ANNIE: Okay.

CAITLIN: Ding dong the wicked witch is gone...

ANNIE: Watch it Blondie!

Annie and Maria walk off.

In one of the rooms Sean And Amy are talking, very close to each other and yelling.

SEAN: I don't care, Amy! You could have killed me with that potion.

AMY: If that would have happened I would have died myself. I love you, Sean. I don't want anything bad to happen to you.

SEAN: You should have thought about that before you did something so stupid.

They suddenly kiss and start tearing each other's clothes off and begin to have sex.

Evelyn is walking through the halls and starts looking into the open doors in the back. She looks into one slightly cracked door and sees Sean and Amy having sex. She walks into the main room and goes up to David, Annie, and Jude.

DAVID: What's wrong, Evelyn?

EVELYN: I just saw something I wasn't meant to see.

ANNIE: What?

JUDE: You look like you've seen a ghost.

EVELYN: Okay, hypothetically. What would you do if you saw someone that someone you know cares about and loves deeply having sex with someone else?

JUDE: Who?


EVELYN: God, no. I'd disown him for that.

ANNIE: Evelyn, who did you see?

EVELYN: I can tell you, these virgin eyes were not meant to see that. But what would you do?

DAVID: I think you should tell us who you saw. Then we could tell you.

EVELYN: But don't tell anyone, I don't want her to have to hurt like this again.

ANNIE: Emily? You saw Sean with someone else?

EVELYN: Yeah, I saw Sean and Amy is one of the back rooms. I don't think a potion was involved either.

JUDE: I think you should give him a chance to tell her himself.

ANNIE: Yeah, but not too long of a chance.

DAVID: I can't believe he'd do that again.

EVELYN: I'm sorry.

DAVID: You didn't do anything, you're not to blame for any of this. I'll be behind you, whatever you decide to do.

EVELYN: Thank you.

ANNIE: What are you going to do?

EVELYN: I'm going to tell him I know, give him time to tell her. If he doesn't, I'll have to tell her. I can't sit on this, it'd be like betraying her.

JUDE: Good luck.

EVELYN: Thanks.

Sean walks into the main room and Evelyn sees him.

EVELYN: That's my cue.

JUDE: You're going to do it now?

ANNIE: You could wait until morning.

EVELYN: It's better if I do it as soon as possible.

She smiles at them and walks towards Sean.

Bette and AJ are dancing.

BETTE: You know, it's nice to see all our children, for the most part, so happy and having a good time.

AJ: What I think is possibly even better is that we found our way back to one another.

BETTE: That is a highlight of my year. You know what another would be.

AJ: I know. But let's not think about it. I know that you've been reminded of it lately with Evelyn in Sunset Beach, but let's make tonight a happy evening.

BETTE: You're right. I love you, oh wise one.

AJ: You're the wise one, my love.

They kiss and dance some more.

Sara and Meg are sitting at a table, the bleeding of Meg's nose has stopped.

SARA: I really don't think she meant it, Meg.

MEG: Oh, you bet she did. She's always hated me. I should have known she couldn't keep that truce for long. I even attended her wedding!

SARA: I still think it was a mistake. I like Annie. She isn't as bad as you think she is.

MEG: Great, my own sister is making friends with my mortal enemy.

SARA: So, what if I am? I can have whatever friend I like.

MEG: I just don't think Annie's a good one.

SARA: She and Maria are friends. And Maria is one of the sweetest people in the world. If she can see good in Annie there has to be some there. I see it. Let's not talk about this. It's just turning the night into a bad night.

They sit and talk more.

Nick and Francesca are dancing.

NICK: I forgot to tell you earlier. You look amazing.

FRANCESCA: Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself. You look great in a tux.

NICK: Thank you. It seems I look better than I feel in it.

FRANCESCA: Even so, I'm having a really good time.

NICK: Great. You know, basically everyone in town is here. I don't think you'll have many more people coming up to you and gasping at the shock of your being alive.

FRANCESCA: I hope not. There are two I don't want to see me yet.

NICK: Are they here?

FRANCESCA: Yes, but I haven't seen them for a while.

NICK: Who?

FRANCESCA: Father Antonio Torres and Gabi Martinez.

NICK: Because you blackmailed them.

FRANCESCA: Yeah. I'd like to have the chance to apologize to them somewhere quiet.

NICK: Well, if they hide all night like they have been you might not have trouble with that.

FRANCESCA: Let's hope so.

They talk and laugh and dance.

In one of the back rooms Gabi is talking to Antonio and Ricardo.

GABI: I'm not going to be in your way. I'm going to try and avoid you, just for myself. It's best for me. But I cannot leave Sunset Beach. I have friends here and a little bit of a life. I'd like to not run from the problem.

RICARDO: Why did you not tell us you were back?

GABI: Because I wanted to give you and Antonio time to rebuild your friendship.

ANTONIO: Gabi, I don't think you should have hid from us though. Did anyone even know you were here?

GABI: Casey, Sara, Michael, Vanessa, Ben, Meg, Nick, Alex.

ANTONIO: Out of eight people it would have been nice if you would have had one of them let us know you were here.

RICARDO: I agree with T, Gabi, I have forgiven you, you wouldn't have been in the way.

GABI: I don't know if I can make you both understand this, but I needed the time to myself. I needed the time to forgive myself.

ANTONIO: I understand.

Gabi smiles at Antonio, Ricardo notices the sparkle in her eye when she looks at Antonio.

RICARDO: Listen, Gabi, welcome back. But if you don't mind I'd like to get back to the party.

GABI: Thank you, Ricardo.

He leaves.

ANTONIO: Will you dance with me, Gabi?

GABI: I would love to, friend.

They smile, walk out, and dance.

Evelyn and David approach Sean. When they get to him Evelyn looks around the room. She sees Amy come out from the back looking a little flustered. Then she sees Emily having a good time dancing and talking to Brad.

EVELYN: We need to talk, Sean.

SEAN: Hey guys. How ya doing?

DAVID: Better than you.

SEAN: What's that supposed to mean?

EVELYN: It means I saw you and Amy having sex.

Sean looks scared.

EVELYN: And if you don't tell her, then I will.

SEAN: You can't do that! David, talk some sense into her.

DAVID: I agree with her, man. You made a big mistake and you've got to own up to it.

EVELYN: Was there a love potion this time? Because I don't think there was. I think that potion, the first time, only brought out something that really was deep down inside of you. I haven't told Emily that, but it's what I think. How could you do that to her? She loves you with al that she is and you've betrayed her, again!

SEAN: There was no potion. I don't know what happened, I don't know if those feelings have been there all along. All I know is that I shouldn't have done it, and this time, I don't want Emily to find out.

DAVID: You can't keep it from her.

EVELYN: Listen to him.

DAVID: Sean, do you really want to be lying scum? Like dad. Dad is lying scum and is hated by a lot of people. I know you don't want that.

SEAN: I am nothing like dad.

EVELYN: Then tell her. You have one hour. If you don't tell her by then, I'm going to tell her.

SEAN: Evelyn, let's talk through this.

Evelyn and David walk away, leaving Sean worried. But he doesn't think she'll tell. Amy is watching him from afar, smiling. Caitlin walks up to Sean.

CAITLIN: Can I dance with my wonderful brother?

SEAN: Yeah.

They go out and dance, but he can't take his eyes off of Amy.

Cole walks up to Olivia.

COLE: Good evening.

OLIVIA: Good evening.

COLE: Is Trey with Rose?


COLE: I just wanted to tell you that I will be by to pick him up and nine tomorrow morning. I'd like it if you would have him ready.

He starts to walk away.

OLIVIA: Cole, I know that you regret what you did. And I know that Cait is as much to blame as you are. I wish you two the best in finding your way back to one another. You've been through too much to throw it away over this.

COLE: Thank you, Olivia. My sister seems to be occupied with your son, so would you like to dance?

OLIVIA: I'd love to.

They go out to the dance floor.


Evelyn and David approach Emily who is talking and laughing with Brad and Leo.

EVELYN: Ems, can we talk to you? Alone?

EMILY: What's wrong?

DAVID: It's probably better if others aren't around.

BRAD: Go ahead, Leo and I will be fine.

LEO: Yeah, whatever you need.

DAVID: Come one, Brad, Leo, let's get a drink.

EVELYN: Thanks.

The guys leave. Evelyn looks at Emily, who's still smiling a little.

EVELYN: I can't do this, it's going to ruin things.

EMILY: Ruin what, Evelyn?

Evelyn looks at her sister again, then sees Sean looking at Amy, and vice versa. Her face gets a resolved look on it.

EVELYN: I have to, you won't like it, but I have to. You might hate me, but trust me, it's one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.

EMILY: Ev, you're scaring me a little.

EVELYN: Sit down.

They do.

EVELYN: I was walking around looking inside the rooms with open doors. One door was cracked and I looked inside.

EMILY: Yeah?

EVELYN: I saw Sean and Amy together.

By the look on her face we can see that Emily knows what's happened, but she doesn't want to believe it.

EMILY: They were arguing again, weren't they?

EVELYN: You know what I'm saying Emily. I am so sorry.

Emily begins crying softly.

EMILY: And I couldn't even tell me himself, again?

EVELYN: I gave him the chance to. I told him what I saw and asked him if there was a potion.

EMILY: He did it of his own free will. He cheated on me with Amy! And he thought last time was bad. Who all knows?

EVELYN: Me, David, Jude, and Annie.

EMILY: Keep it that way. Wait, no don't.

She wipes the tears from her face.

EVELYN: Emily, what are you going to do?

EMILY: Make a scene. Then I'm going home and I'm not going to wake up for a very long time.

Emily approaches Sean. He looks at her face and knows she knows.

SEAN: Emily.

She takes the champagne glass from his hand and dumps it on him, then takes the piece of cake from the table next to them and smothers it in his face. Everyone is watching. Next she walks up to Amy and decks her. She walks out. Evelyn and Annie start clapping. Over at the bar Brad, Leo, and David stand there watching what just happened.

DAVID: hank God I will never get the opportunity to cheat on her.

LEO: What?

BRAD: You mean Richards? The other one, Sean? He cheated on her again?

DAVID: Yeah, with Amy. Evelyn saw him.

BRAD: I'll see you guys later.

Brad runs out.

Over at one table Annie, Sara, Vanessa, and Maria are sitting and talking. We're pretending they've become friends, the four of them.

SARA: Guess she won't be in to work tomorrow.

ANNIE: Two people getting hit in one night.

MARIA: Yeah, but the first victim wasn't intended.

ANNIE: Some think otherwise.

SARA: And she's wrong. Meg just doesn't like you.

ANNIE: That doesn't bother me though.

VANESSA: That's a good attitude to have. As much as I love Meg she's ready to believe bad things of some people. Annie, you're at the top of that list.

Jude walks up to them.

JUDE: I hate to be the party pooper, but you should really get home. You're carrying precious cargo.

ANNIE: Okay. Hey, why don't you guys come with? It'll be fun.

VANESSA: Yeah, just hanging out. I'll get Michael.

SARA: And Casey.

MARIA: And Ross.

They go and Evelyn walks up to them.

ANNIE: You told her?

EVELYN: I gave him an hour and he didn't. Not telling her would have been worse.

JUDE: Sorry you had to do it. Hey, why don't you and David come over now. A group of us are just going to spend time, talk, whatever.

EVELYN: Let me talk to him.

Bette and AJ walks towards them, looking concerned.

BETTE: Pumpkin, what happened with Emily?

AJ: I've never seen her that way before.

EVELYN: You'd better ask her. It's best if she tells you.

BETTE: AJ, do you mind?

AJ: Of course not, let's go.

BETTE: We'll see you two later.

ANNIE: Goodnight, Aunt Bette, AJ.

Bette and AJ leave.

EVELYN: I'm going to g find David.

Over at the bar Meg and Casey are talking. Sara walks up to them.

SARA: Casey, Annie and Jude invited us over. Do you want to go?

CASEY: Sure. I'll see you later, Meg.

MEG: Well, I can't say I like your choice of company, but have a nice night, Casey.

Casey and Sara leave Meg, thinking.

MEG: [Thinking.] Casey, you used to adore me, be by my side all the time. What's changed? Why do you just leave me at the drop of Sara's pin? I'll make that change. You'll love me again, Casey.

Brad runs into the parking lot and looks around for Emily. He sees her by her car crying. He slowly walks towards her.

BRAD: Emily?

EMILY: Brad, why did he do it to me again?

BRAD: I don't know. If I could take it back I would.

He hugs her, she clings to him.

BRAD: Let me drive you home, and I'll get you some tea.

EMILY: Okay.

BRAD: You'll get through this, Emily. I'm going to help you. With no ulterior motives this time either.

EMILY: Thank you, Brad. You are a good friend. I had a good time when I was hanging out with you and Leo tonight.

BRAD: It was my pleasure.

He drives her home.

Nick and Francesca are sitting at their table, they're among the only ones left.

NICK: How was it?

FRANCESCA: Good. And only two people don't know I'm alive.

NICK: Are you going to tell them?

FRANCESCA: I'm going to go see Antonio tomorrow morning. I care about what he thinks a great deal. I don't know how I'll break it to Gabi.

NICK: You do want me to come? I can help with support and all.

FRANCESCA: Thanks, but I should probably do this myself.

NICK: Yeah.

FRANCESCA: But you're a good friend, Nick.

NICK: Yeah...

FRANCESCA: Maybe more. I know that we haven't talked about it, but this is heading towards a romantic relationship. We both know it. But let's let it progress naturally and if it's meant to happen, it happens. If not, then we'll be fine with it. But I am not sure if I can handle things moving quickly.

NICK: Francesca, I'm from Kansas. We're tarred and feathered if we lack manners. I'd never push.

FRANCESCA: Good. Well, Mr. Cummings, ready to take me home?

NICK: It would be an honor.

End of episode.
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