For most of you who know me, I'm a Christian, and deeply rooted to my faith. This page is mostly for me to share bits and pieces of my faith with you all, because it means a lot to me. In fact everything to me. I'll be coming back to update, and to post new articles on Christianity, some verses which I find particularly meaningful, and also Christian webpage links.
The title of the page, Kings, is actually part of the Bible. There are 2 books in the Old Testament, one being 1 Kings, the other 2 Kings. They relate the stories of various kings ruling Israel, (after the reign of Kind David) such as Solomon, Hezekiah, Josiah, etc. ...

I've been in the Orchard Road Presbyterian Church since young -- that's where my parents went to when they migrated to Singapore. I attend a Chinese service, because my family speaks Chinese.

I'm also currently serving in the String Ensemble at church. We're usually in charge of the preludes, and we sometimes collaborate with the main choir for special events. I also play the piano for the Children's Choir, and I especially enjoy it coz I love kids.

For those who are interested, the Chinese service starts at 11.30 am in the morning (before that there's the English service at 9) until around 12.45 pm. There are a few youth fellowship groups under the Chinese congregation -- and they mostly start in the afternoon. Contact me for more details.

My favourite verses...

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."

-- Romans 12:12


"A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."

-- Proverbs 16:9


Some links...

Our Daily Bread website; an archive of every published article, assorted by date

Christian Theology...

The 5 Points of Calvinism with complete explanations...the most intriguing part of my religion I've come across yet.


Copyright © 1999 Karen_h Inc. All rights reserved.