Japanese Name: 星矢光 (Seiya Kou)
Japanese Name Meaning: "Star Arrow Light"
American Name: None
American Name Meaning: n/a
Birth Day: July 30th
Astronomical Sign: Leo (Ruled by the Sun)
Blood Type: A
Favorite Colors: ???
Hobbies: American football
Japanese Voice: Niiyama Shiho
American Voice: None
Favorite Gemstone: ???
Has Trouble With: Girls
Strong Points: ???
Wants to be: ???.

Meet Seiya (Say-yuh). Seiya is the lead singer of the Three Lights, and, of the three, he's the most friendly to the Senshi. He also has very strong feelings for Usagi in the anime. They had a short time together and they even kissed (woohoo), but it didn't last (aw). A lot of people were really hoping that Usagi would dump Mamoru for Seiya. I kinda liked the Mamo x Usako pair. As SailorStarfighter (セーラースターファイター), Seiya is clearly the most prominant of the Starlights but there isn't any specific leader for the group. Though Seiya is male, he becomes a female when he transforms into Sailor Senshi form. In the manga, it is never specified but one must assume from hints that the Starlights are female all the time and only dress up as guys to fool their audience. At the beginning of Sailor Stars, he was very serious and not all that nice to the Senshi, but he was willing to make a truce. By the end of the season, he showed that he genuinely liked the Inner Soldiers. All the Starlights go to Juuban High School. Seiya dislikes Haruka and Starfighter hates Uranus. (It's a two-way street; She hates him, too!) They often get into fights; However, when Uranus dies, they sort of come to an agreement of trust. (Such good timing ::sarcasm:: ^^) He often defends Sailormoon to the point of taking blows for her. In episode 200 he and the other Starlights go back to their home planet with Princess Kakyuu (Fireball). He tried one last flirt with Usagi but she totally missed it...
Starfighter's not one of my favorites. He's a little too pushy with Usagi and he's very stubborn. I don't like the way he loses his temper either like he does with Mars. (Hey, just because I don't like somebody doesn't mean I think they should be walked all over! :) I really don't like the way he tries to snatch Usagi while he knows Mamoru is still around. And as for the fuku, it's a nice change from the generic sailor outfits. The choker and arm bands are a nice touch though the sailor's collar looks odd with nothing attatched and the wings on the breasts are certainly...different. I like the gloves and the belt though. Very interesting.

Fighter Star Power, Make-Up!:
Seiya says this to transform into SailorStarfighter. He gets a new transformation sequence with the same name later in the season.

Star Serious Laser:
Starfighter raises her arm into the sky where a ring of stars surround it and fly into her hand. She points it at an enemy, and a beam shoots out at it. She gets a star-shaped object that gives her more power later in the season.

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