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"Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings:  it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility." - William Wordsworth

Ponderings 5.20.98

Life is a Dance

In this fast-paced society we live in, there is a need to plan our life ahead in order to be competitive.  It is admirable that we have designed step by step strategies and plans.  Blue prints for the future are laid down and priorities are made.  Yet, I am saddened that oftentimes, by giving in to our plans and priorities, we fail to enjoy life as it should be.

Life is a Dance.  A good dancer is the one who knows the steps, the right movements, twists and turns.  He practices his skill into perfection.  Still, a better dancer is the one who posseses the ability of a good dancer and at the same time delights in his dance.  He is swayed by the music and not too concerned in commiting mistakes, but in taking pleasure from the dance.  Life is a dance, the steps should come natural and the music enjoyed.  As the dance is enjoyed, so must life be.


Ponderings 4.11.98
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