It's here! The reiew of Sally's Second Symphony! The Henry Wood Hall in Glasgow saw the premiere of Sally's 2nd Symphony on Thursday 19th March, 1998. The RSNO in dazzling form produced a brilliant performance, and after Kamperduin (Gordon McPherson) and Thomas Wilson's Violin COncerto, played by the Leader of the RSNO Edwin Paling, in the first half, the Symphony ended the programme in style. The three movement piece is based on an earlier trio for flute, viola and harp. The first movement, "Earth", introduces a heartbeat motif, which can be heard again throughout the piece. There are two main themes to this movement. The second movement, "Variations on a Lament", is based on a Celtic lament and soft, simple variations give way to loud, complicated dance music, before receding back to the original themes. "Sea", the third movement, is based on the idea of deepening water, symbolised by widening intervals. The main theme of the movement is a tune whose intervals increase by one every note. The perfect fifth symbolises the calm, open sea, before the final battering of loud music ends the piece. The Symphony was a great success, and Sally was congratulated by all of us, the audience, afterwards. When speaking to our school group afterwards, she said she was calm throughout the piece, but shaking afterwards. A great world premiere performance.