Questions from Iguion:
Q1:  In order, what Weapons are destroyed in FF7?
Q2:  In FF8, what is the English Translation of the term 'Liberi Fatali'?
Q3:  On page 44/45 of the instruction booklet in FF7, what do the symbols on Cloud's sword mean?
Q4:  What sword is Cloud holding on page 44/45 of the instruction booklet?
Q5:  How many different types of draw points are there on the Island Closest to Hell in FF8?
A2:  Interesting song......Anyway it translates to something like children of fate or fated children.
A5:  Well, there are seven types, but I'll go even further by telling all the names. *Zell gives himself a pat on the back*  Ehem....Aura, Flare, Full-life, Holy, Meteor, Triple, and Ultima. (I spent MUCH time here getting auras...heheh.)
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What do have here today...........?
Q4:  Hmmm....I actually have a little action figure of Cloud with that sword.....Anyways it's the Hardedge.