Geez, I haven't had to do this in a while.....
           There's a lot of writing today.
Question from Anthony:
Q:  What kind of underwear does Tifa wear?
A:  Well, I guess I have to deal with some perverted questions every once in a while.  I bet you thought that part in the game was really funny, didn't you Anthony?  Yeah, you can admit it.  You can find orthopedic underwear in Tifa's room in Nibelhiem.....heheh.
Questions from Steele:
Q1:  What happens if you date Barret at the Gold Saucer and you try to kiss him?
A1:  Ah, the Barret date.  That was interesting, wasn't it.....?  But anyway, you can't try to kiss him.  And why is that you ask.  Well I shall tell you since I am all knowing.  Ehem, it is because you don't do the play with him, so therefore you don't get the chance to kiss him.  But it would be pretty funny if you could.....
Q2:  By the end of the game, Sephiroth wants to rule the world by becoming a god.  But what was his original intent after he went nutso?
Hmmm, lets see here....What I got out of the game was that he wanted to revive his mother (Jenova)  and take back the world with her.  He wants to go to the Promised Land with her or something like that.  This game gets so confusing sometimes.....I've played it so many times though, that I know about these things.
Q3:  After Nibelhiem, Cloud and Zack are imprisoned for 5 years.  They then escape, make their way to Midgar where Zack.  Cloud makes his way to the Sector 7 train station and meets up with Tifa, who tells him about the AVALANCHE job after he regains his senses.  But, uh, at Nibelhiem, Cloud's a level 1 Shinra guard.  When he meets Tifa, he's a just under Level 7 character with mad-ass soldier skills.  How'd THAT happen?
A3:  *Imitates Chandler from Friends*  Could that question BE any longer?  Hey, I didn't make the game, I just played it, but for an answer I would say that's the way the creators wanted it.  I guess a theory could be that between meeting Tifa at the station and the first mission, he was leveling up.  There's always monsters to be killed.
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