Questions from Angel-Samantha:
Q1:  How many steps do you hear Aeris take during the beginning sequence?
A1:  I see...so now we want to test my hearing abililty.  Well, I must say I have excellent hearing and so I counted 12 foot steps.  This is one of the more original questions I've had.  Not as lame as some I've encounted out there........
Q2:  What is sticking out of the stone Seto and how many are there?
A2:  Hey, this is a compound question.  People are always trying to sneak those in......But anyway Gi's poisonous arrows are sticking out of Seto and I counted six of them.  Just to show how nice of a guy I am, I also got a screenshot and numbered the arrows.
Questions from Anthony:
Q:  In FF8, what is the title of the painting that can't be read by the characters in Ultimecia's Castle?
A:  VIVIDARIUM ET INTERVIGILIUM ET VIATOR (In the Garden Sleeps a Messenger).  That is the answer.  Actually I thought this puzzle was the hardest to figure out in Ultimecia's castle.  But as you all know, not hard enough since I am the FFMASTER and know all.  (Well, except for a couple of slip ups that I don't know how they even happened in the first place....heheh.)  Stupid clock, that IIII for the number 4 gave it all away since everyone knows that the Roman numeral for 4 is IV.
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HA HA HA HA!  I am the MASTER!