> -----Original Message-----
> From: amogh gr [mailto:amoghgr@yahoo.com] 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 12:14 PM
> To: Vijay Zanvar (WT01 - TELECOM SOLUTIONS)
> Subject: Doubt
> Hi Vijay,
> Could you tell me how to Write a C program to convert
> a decimal number into a binary number and also vice
> versa..?


bits ( int i )
    if ( i / 2 > 0 )
        bits (i/2);
        printf ( "%d", i%2 );
        printf ( "%d", i%2 );

main (void)
    int decimal = 27;
    bits (decimal);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

    Source: geocities.com/vijoeyz/faq/c

               ( geocities.com/vijoeyz/faq)                   ( geocities.com/vijoeyz)