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Labor Salad and Other Methods of Inducing Labor

Toni Rakestraw


Everyone gets tired of being pregnant when they reach the end.... and start trying anything and everything to get the ball rolling. There are some methods that are safe and have no side effects... if they don't work, it's not time. Other methods really should only be used under the supervision of your caregiver. For more detailed information, please read everything under 'Natural Induction' and 'Induction' in the Midwife Archives. Then talk it over with your caregiver. You don't want to hurt yourself or the baby, or induce too early. Mother Nature usually has the best time table... baby will tell your body when it is time. If there are other reasons to try and get labor going, then there are many things to try with the knowledge and supervision of your provider.

This is meant to be merely a discussion of some of the common methods out there. I do not endorse any of them, and thoroughly encourage anyone wanting to try *any* of them to first consult your doctor or midwife.

That being said, I'll begin. There are many methods out there to be found on the internet and elsewhere to try and induce labor. Most natural methods will not do anything if your body is not ready. One of the fads a few years ago was the Labor Salad.

I found the recipe on the internet. Looking at it, I don't see why it would work any better than any other salad... maybe it has something to do with the balsamic vinegar... I just don't know. If you are inclined to try it, please wait until you are 39 to 42 weeks in your pregnancy, just in case it does work. The recipe is as follows:

Equal parts of:
Romaine lettuce
Red Cabbage

Chop and toss together. Sprinkle with balsamic vinegrette (1 part balsamic vinegar, 3 parts extra virgin olive oil). Garnish with crumbled Gorgonzola cheese.

I remember when this was all the rage a few years ago... it was on TV on every morning show that existed. I never heard the success ratio after eating it... it could be that what success it had were women who were about ready to go into labor anyway. I have not tried it personally... doesn't even sound particularly good to me.

I have had contractions after eating parsley... we've used it to trigger labor in our overdue rabbits, and it works quite efficiently with them. Labor never actually started, though. Maybe I didn't eat enough... but I didn't feel like eating a whole field of it, either! I just chopped some and mixed it in the lettuce I was putting in my tacos. This was when I was already 80% effaced and 3cm dilated, too. So, probably not a reliable method for people, though it works well with the bunnies.

I've heard of rubbing oil with essential oils in it on your belly. Not sure if this works or not. Using essential oils like lemon, rosemary, lavender... a few drops mixed in a good carrier oil like olive, almond, or grapeseed, probably won't hurt to try. It would probably feel good, at any rate. Rosemary is one of the oils you usually want to avoid during pregnancy, so again, just in case it works, do not do it unless you are already past your due date. Again, I can't stress enough to *inform your caregiver* before you try anything.

You can read plenty in the Midwife Archives regarding castor oil, enemas, stripping membranes and herbal tinctures. All of these methods *must* be used in conjunction with care from your provider.

Other methods include drinking raspberry tea, pressing acupressure points on your hand or ankle, and using nipple stimulation or sex to get things started. Haven't started labor using any of these methods, either, but some of them were a bit more fun than others. :) The best way to get labor started, is to be patient and let the baby start it. I know, it's hard to wait at the end... I'm going through that phase right now, and it is very difficult! But the best labor patterns start through that hormonal communication from baby to mom... as much as we may want to rush it, we could just be asking for a harder time of it by mucking about. So, make a cup of raspberry tea, sit down, and relax. Enjoy those last few days or weeks of having baby inside. It doesn't get any easier than it is right now, so why rush the more difficult stuff?

If you have had any results one way or the other with these or other methods, please write and tell us.