The We Luv Buffy Guild Heart's Desire Program

If you're ranked 'Vampire' and above, you're eligible to receive an item of your choice from us. Simply type in your username and your choice of one item, worth a maximum of 75,000 NP (based on the Neopets shop wizard), on the form below, and you may be the lucky person picked.

Subject to one request granted per person per year.

The next draw will be held on the 1st of September. (idea suggested by deathstra)

Please make sure your username is typed in correct, and also the name of the item, as found on the shop wizard. If you do not do this, the item cannot be found, and you cannot be given it!

Please also ensure that the value of the item does not exceed 75,000 NP. If it does, the request will be ignored. Please check this before filling out the form below.

What is your neopets username?

What item would you like to request?

Previous Winners

Guild Member
Item Given
silver paint brush