B a p t i s m

      1) Why must we be baptized?
              A. Obedience
              B. Remission of our sins or transgressions
              C. Member of the Church of Jesus Christ
              D. Gift of the Holy Ghost
              E. Gateway entrance onto the path to the Celestial Kingdom

      2) How should we be baptized?
              A. Worthy Priesthood Holder
              B. Baptismal Prayer
              C. Completely under water - "Immersion"
              D. Witnesses - Priesthood Leadership to make the ordinance official

      3) Who should be baptized?
              A. Anyone having Faith in Christ's Atonement and Repents of their sins
              B. Person willing to make and keep their Agreement with God for Eternal Blessings
              C. Child eight(8) years old - "age of accountability" - responsible for actions

      4) What do we promise to God in our Baptismal Covenant or Agreement?
              A. Take upon ourself the Name of Christ, as we join His Fold or Church, and be
                   united with His People, and use His Name reverently
              B. Love one another - help one another - lift burdens from one another
              C. Bear our Testimony or Stand as a Witness of God at all times
              D. Love God by Serving Him and keeping His commandments

      5) What does the Lord promise to us in our Baptismal Covenant or Agreement?
              A. Forgive us of our sins or transgressions
              B. Pour out His Spirit more abundantly upon us
              C. Daily guidance and help from the Holy Ghost
              D. Come forth in the First Resurrection - our new glorified eternal body
              E. Eternal Life in Heavenly Father's presence

      6) Why do we get a new beginning or a new start at baptism?
              A. We are Born again into the Kingdom of Heaven
              B. We are buried with Christ by baptism, and raised to walk in newness of life,
                   by the baptism of fire in the Holy Ghost, Who is our constant companion, that
                   quickens us and makes us more alive in Christ

      7) How do we remember and renew our Baptismal Covenant?
              A. Sacrament Prayers - The Sacrament taken every week
              B. Our own personal prayers where we talk to Heavenly Father
              C. Holy Ghost - Listen in our mind and feel in our heart for Him

(Gospel Principles, Chapter 20, Baptism)