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Animal Farm


George Orwell



Upon completion of the reading select one of the following for you project. The project is due one week later. This project will be graded for a total of 50 points on the basis of interest, neatness, relevance to topic, clarity of purpose, and evidence of effort.
Develop a collage illustrating one theme from Animal Farm.

Develop a collage illustrating type/types of current propaganda. Be sure to label the type of propaganda.

Use a collage to illustrate the text of Animal Farm.

A satirist is one who uses humor and irony to criticize a person, situation, or belief. He or she sees an ideal that cannot be reached because of existing conditions. Based on the novel, make a two-column chart that shows what Orwell is criticizing in the first column and describes his ideal in the second.
Graph conditions on Animal Farm over time. Choose at least three conditions to measure. Graph these conditions at five different times, starting before the rebellion and ending with the pig's party.
Essay Topics

Select one of the following and write a complete essay based on the events in Animal Farm, the study guides, and class discussion. Be sure to take time to prewrite and peer edit. Remember sentence variety and vocabulary.


Discuss symbolism in Animal Farm.


Orwell maintains that "To rewrite history is to control both the past and the future."           Comment on this concept as seen in Animal Farm.


Lord Afton said, "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely." How does Orwell's  novel prove this statement?


Discuss the setting, characters, and point of view in relation to the overall effect of the novel.


Orwell wrote Animal Farm to expose the Soviet myth in a story. How does he achieve his aim?


Using Boxer and the sheep as your prime examples, explain why an intelligent, educated populace is necessary for a good government to work (or show how an uneducated citizenry can enable a bad government to succeed).


According to Orwell, in totalitarianism man no longer exists as an individual; only the leader exists as a separate entity and the masses are but extensions of him. Prove or disprove this based on Animal Farm.


How might the Henri Bergson quote apply to Animal Farm?


Using Animal Farm as the basis, prove or disprove that all men are created equal.


Choose three minor characters and discuss the role of each in relation to the overall effect of the novel.


Student selected topic approved by teacher.

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