Understanding Life .....


Fasten your seat-belts ….. it’s going to be a rough ride! We all need HELP, and fortunately our Elder Brothers from the Higher Realms of Creation are attempting to communicate with us all the time. Listen and learn!

It should not be assumed that any of the ‘Helpers’ have absolute wisdom. Everyone is on the upward path, but some stand much higher than others.

The emotional thrust from thy heart is that which is honoured by God in Truth and response; not words that pass thy lips without thinking.

Angels are ministering spirits sent to serve us: they are the invisible friends of children - support that connection.

The Lord’s Prayer

My Spirit and most Holy Source, you are ever present; ever powerful in all things. May your realm be incarnate within me that I may serve my relations who falter and suffer this day for in my service shall I be served.

May your infinite power reveal itself with me on Earth that I reach out beyond self for that which will serve my brother – as it is in the Heavenly Places of your wondrous promise.

Give me, please, this day that which I need in order to have strength, discernment, judgment and clarity to serve in the way of your Truth and Light according to your Laws and within Thine Commandments – that I may always act for another and not for self – knowing that as I do and share with “other” I receive a hundredfold.

Let me, please, recognize my transgressions and errors, for only then can I serve in Truth and forgive all others their transgressions and perceived wrongs against me, in that which I have sent forth and now comes back into my own being.

Lead me, Father, into Truth and from the temptations of self, flesh and personal desires and allow me clarity to recognize Truth from confusion and always witness beyond that which is presented unto me by Man. Deliver me from those errors of choice and personal ego of humanness that I may grow beyond that which binds me to the Earthly plane and sickens my very soul.

These things I ask, Father, for yours is the realm within me – the temple blest, and the power and the knowledge for ever. May I be given to look into the mirror and see a reflection of you in myself for that is the Christ son of Thineself gifted unto me as a fragment of your Infinite Self.

May I be open and giving in services according to that which you command – in every moment and in every way. Amen. May I be given to walk with Thee in the Power and the Glory and that Knowledge forever that I might be worthy of Thine Radiance upon me.

Pray also for your brothers and sisters who have long waited in the skies to be of help to you, and who would also like to go to their various homes. Take time out daily for that quiet moment - fifteen minutes at least - to commune/meditate with your Guides and listen to that voice within.

There is no time that is inappropriate, no limitation on where you may be or what you may be doing. Keep in touch with or tuned-in to that Inner Connection at all times: it may take a little practice, but it could save your life.

The methods for asking for help for oneself or for others is mired if the person sending the prayer or asking for help is too tense or too focused on the earthly side. Therefore, practise relaxation and listening to the spirit more. You will be blessed for your efforts.

We are warned not to ‘babble’ as the ignorant and selfish do when praying: they think they will be heard if they use many, and grand, words. The spirit of man does not require many words, but it requires the knowledge of its power. Pray therefore in knowledge to the almightiness of the spirit that its grandeur and power is infinite.

Prayer is the asking, meditation is the waiting and listening for the response. Pray without ceasing!

If you have difficulty in putting words together for a prayer to address Spirit …..


“My Spirit, you are omnipotent. Your name is holy. May your realm be incarnate in me. May your power reveal itself within me, on Earth and in Heaven. Give me today my daily bread, and thus, let me recognize my transgressions and errors, and I shall recognize the Truth. And do not lead me into temptation and confusion, but deliver me from error. For yours is the realm within me and the power and the knowledge for ever, Amen.”

If you believe in false teachings, namely that power and spirit do not dwell within you, then you will be without knowledge and live in spiritual poverty. Though you will receive, now and then, that which you will ask for in your false belief of alienated sanctuaries - idols and gods, you will receive only because of your strong false belief, without knowledge of the real Truth. Blessed are only they who serve the real truth and knowledge, for only they are to receive in honesty.

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