"Brutal" Bob was born on September 3rd, 1972 in Swansea, Massachusetts. Evans is one of the best on the mic in NECW.   A match between the Indians and Japanese is what got him hooked on wrestling, "I saw Jay and Jules Strongbow beat Mr. Fuji and Mr. Saito for the tag team titles.  I saw the people go nuts and I started watching."

Like most NECW stars, a Wrestlemania memory is among his favorite.  In this instance it was all the hype leading up to Wrestlemania 3 and the 93,000 fans at the Pontiac Silverdome.

Gino Caruso started tutoring Evans in New Bedford, MA from 1992-1993.  Jeff "Bruiser" Costa took over from there.  He ended up on the losing end of his first pro match in an old factory building in New Bedford on April 4th, 1992.  His opponent was Bobby Moran.

Evans got the thrill of his career when he wrestled at he Providence Civic Center for the WWF, a building he watched the federation in as a kid.  Bob feels indy promoters should take a closer look on who they book on shows,  "Seems like anybody can get on an independent wrestling show these days."

Thoughts on NECW:  "I think NECW could be a force in the industry as long as they stay the course they're on now."