Name:  "The High-Priced Ticket" Sean Hawk

Height:  5'11"

Weight:  198 lbs.

Finisher(s):  Attitude Adjustment, Hawk's Clutches (Standing Cloverleaf)

Signature Maneuvers:  Ticketpuncher Neckbreaker, Face Eraser, Aftershock, superkick, spinning roundhouse, and the inverted stunner.

Year Turned Pro:  2001

First Match: 15 Man Battle Royal at Winter Wargames in Bangor, Maine.  I entered number 5 and eliminated Michael Stryfe.  I lasted until all that was left was Sean Hawk, Impaler, Gabriel, and Apocalypse.  Michael Stryfe snuck back in and eliminated me from behind.

Promotions Worked For:  RPW

Favorite Quotes:  "I am the one thing that you can never be, the High-Priced Ticket"...."With lives so full of failures and disappointments, Sean Hawk provides you all with someone to cheer for and admire, something to look forward to, a person to emulate, I give you people hope"...."It's not easy being the strongest, fastest, smartest, most talented, and best looking.  It's a burden that I alone must bare.  But don't get upset, it's okay to feel such jealousy, it's only natural!"