WuRule #1        Smile and/or dance -- You came to have a good time so don'tt just stand around and frown

WuRule #2         Wash your hands -- just imagine every guy who grabs your hand just grabbed the hand of some next  jubie; whose hand was just grabbed by some next dog (it's like that condom ad) you are being grabbed by every dog and girl in the club; just imagine the germs!

WuRule #3    Don't dance with someone who tried to dance with your friend first -- You are not second choice

WuRule #4    Do not scream when the D.J. plays that tune that has been #1 on the charts for the last three weeks -- this labels you as an amateur clubber

WuRule #5    You can not do hootchie on the top and on the bottom -- go with the pants/skirt OR the top not both (Rule complements of Brownie)

WuRule #6    Do not carry a purse give all of your stuff to a friend so she/he can lug it around

WuRule #7    Do not carry a pen (or pretend not to have a pen) -- just why are you here anyway?

WuRule #8    Girls -- Do not chat up every girl in the washroom -- this is only for wimps or Bi-aches who are trying to make allies

WuRule #9    Do not accept open drinks from strangers -- this is just stupid (also keep on eyee onn the drinks you already have)

WuRule # 10     Do not talk to anyone you rate less then a 4 out of 5 physically for the following reason:

First of all you should never kick it with anyone you rate less than 7 out of 10 overall.  Lets say you judge looks and personality in a potential boo of equal importance then we can say that they both weigh 5 out of 10.  Based on the fact that you only know what looks rating someone has before you meet them, you can only judge them on that.  If someone has lower then a 4 out of 5 rating of the physique then he/she only has a 20% chance of rating a 7 out of 10 (Why would you waste your time?). However if someone has a 4 looks rating then he/she has a 60% chance of being a 7 or higher and if he/she has a 5 looks rating the chance is 80%.

The Chart breaks it down for you:  

  = 2 
 = 3 
= 4
Not good looking enough to be so annoying
= 5
Take a picture
= 6
Take a picture & blow it up
 = 3
 = 4
Boring & Ugly
= 5
Like all the guys I went to high school with
= 6
One date only
= 7 
One date and little something
 = 4 
Ugly w/ no wit
 = 5
Not worth your time
= 6
Completely average
= 7
Someone to chill with
= 8
If this is a guy he is probably a dog
 = 5
Could talk to on the phone
 = 6
Okay a nice guy/girl
= 7
Pretty cool person
= 8
Very good can show off this one
= 9
All of your friends are jealous
 = 6
Could talk to on the phone a lot
 = 7
Maybe you have a friend for him/her
= 8
He/she is worth his/her average looks
= 9
The person you were waiting for
= 10
The Perfect

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