WuSister's Bio
all the nitty gritty details on one page
<>WuSister Name: WuSister
Birthday: Born into the heart of funk
Sign:Aquarius & Tiger
From: The T dot
Pet Peeves: People who answer questions directed at other people.
Ambition: To make a time machine and return Hip Hop to it's less played, pure state of the 80s & the early 90s
Probable Fate: To hear at least one Bad Boy song at every jam she attends for the rest of her life
Gear: Tryst Lingerie, Flaco Beads, Adidas, Nine West shoes
Movies: Friday, Juice, Romi And Michelle's High School Reunion, Hair, Black And White, Hero, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Colour: Blue
Shows: Sex And The City,  The Buzz, Train 48 Twitch City,  A Touch Of Frost, The Apprentice
Anime: Fushigi Yuugi, Ranma 1/2
Comics: Sherman's Lagoon, Calvin and Hobbes
Saying: "I'm not just saying this to be mean"
Song with a message: Never Again - Remedy
Song to get dirty to: Devil's Pie - D'Angelo
Song of all time: Bonita Applebum - A Tribe Called Quest
Albums: The Low End Theory - A Tribe Called Quest; What The Album - Redman; Enta Da Stage - Black Moon; Enter The Wu-Tang 36 Chambers - Wu-Tang Clan; Liquid Swords - GZA 

R.I.P.: Ol' Dirty Bastard (thank you for your music), Onika Bostic

WuSister's shouts: Notlam,  Lepeka, Jadeite, Kevindicator, Candy, More or Les
About WuSister's mild mannered alter-ego - Shana
Shana was born in February of 1974.  Shana owns  a lingerie store.  She graduated from Ryerson in 1997, with a B.A.A. in Theatre Costuming.  Shana has lived in Toronto and England and has traveled to many countries.  She went to Trinidad in February 2005 and 2004 to play mas in Carnival.  Shana spends her time going to jams, reading, sewing, baking and listening to music.  Her interests are: politics, world cultures and music.

Shana's shouts: Winston, Aubrey, Joe, Anita, Devon, Karen, LaMounde, Rebecca & Thomas, Candis, Lisa & Conroy, Ginevra, Greg, Lindsay, Sam, Danya & Max, Kevin 

My other pages... | WuSister's homepage | WuSister's Rules for Clubbing  | WuSister's Take On Wu | WuSister Loves Trinidad | Wu-Tang In Israel | Famous Shanas | How Shana Are You? | WuSister's Summer

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