How Shana Are You?

Fill in the following questionnaire to discover how much inner Shana you possess.

1. What colours would you most likely paint your house in:
a) whites or beiges

b) pale colours
c) bright and dark colours

2. What is your ideal holiday?
adventure and fun
b) relaxing
c) learning about and participating in a different culture
d) visiting friends or family
e) museums and art galleries

3. You like your food ...
the spicier the better
a little spice please
no spice thank you

4. You would rather ...
a) drive there
b) walk there
c) ride the rocket there
d) have someone drive you there

5. How do you feel about black clothing
a) NEVER I look like horrible in black
b) once in a while is okay
c) basic staple of every wardrobe
d) it is all I ever wear

6. How often do you wear hats?
a) only in winter to keep my head warm
b) once in a while
c) as much as I can

7. The TV I watch most:
a) is good quality serious drama
b) doesn't take it self too seriously
c) is educational
d) is funny
e) is sports
f) is news

8. If I contracted an embarrassing but preventable disease I would:
a) keep it to my self
b) tell my closest friends or family
c) tell everybody so that they could learn how to avoid it

9. When people talk about me they might say:
a) that girl/boy can talk
b) cat got her/his tongue
c) neither I talk a normal amount

10. If I feel a company is evil
a) I write an angry letter
b) I will boycott and let everybody know why
c) I Do nothing they are all evil
d) I Am evil

1. a=0 b=1 c=3
2. a=4 b=1 c=5 d=3 e=2

3. a=2 b=1 c=0

4. a=0 b=4 c=3 d=1

5. a=0 b=4 c=1 d=0

6. a=0 b=1 c=3

7. a=1 b=6 c=5 d=3 e=0 f=4

8. a=0 b=1 c=3

9. a=3 b=0 c=1

10. a=2 b=4 c=0 d=0

0-16 you have very little Shana in youyou are probably a very dull person with few friends and you probably smell. Sorry to say. Please try harder to add so Shana to your life. I mean get a life.

17-27 You are no more Shana then the next person. That is okay too many Shana's would be very over whelming.

28-37 You rock. You are probably very popular and gorgeous and perfect. Don't change a thing except immediately get a T-shirt made that says "I am like Shana" it will help you in life when ever you wear it, like it will help you get that job, that guy/girl even help you get better service.

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