JULY 9 `04 Ahh ! it's already the ninth. i have started nothing whatsoever. I don't even know what we're sapposed to do. :\

Lookin' at the bright side, i did start reading a book. You know how paulala is really in to hp now... atleast the into the movies... so it rubbed off on me and i wanted to know was going to happen in the next one so i decided to go read the year four book. i was really tempted to just read from sparknotes :P but i wanted to know the details... so yahh :D.. i just finished up 3/4 of the book. The book doesn't seem all that long when yer reading it.

ahh.. i'm dying to get adobe back... arrrgh... i'm so impatient with these things... i've been surfin' the net for tips on photoshop and i've learned so much.. but i can't test anything. blahh. at least my obsession with wantin' a new camera has toned down a lil.

i wish i could speak tagalog ! teach me please !?

JULY 5 `04 So how was everyone's holiday? i hope it was fun ! It turned out that my dad had enough time to light fireworks with us :D I'm gonna plug rigel, trish, and regina 'cus they're all super-dee-duperly-cool :D. Rigel decided to take on htmling and started her own site, trish posted her awards and i won "always there", "most honest" (with paula), and "neatest" ( i feel so special!), and Regina is just so cool! haha. she's always makin' everyone feel special and she's got a spiffy lookin' site :P.

oh man.. i can't believe i passed up the chance to go to the mall. I spend too much, and who knows how i'm gonna turn out when i get older.. so i decided that i want to at least try and spend my own money. Only problem is that i don't have that any money i can use to spend.. everythings goin' to my college fund. haha. i'm hopeless.

JULY 4 `04 happy independance day, fourth of july, fireworks day, or whatever you want to call it :D

day 3 as a secratariat trainee. hah.. they have to pray in english because of me. i understand tagalog, but when they pray it goes *whoosh right past me. i really want/need to learn. After service i went back to the office and toni & paulala came to visit. thanks guys :D. oh man.. i have such bad listening skills. i can never get the person's name right the first time.. i guess i'll get better. Maybe it'll help me at school...

after the prayer i went to go look for trish and paula but they were at the meeting so i just sat down and read paula's letter. I liked harry potter and all but i was never really that interested in it.. but dude.. when paula talks about something she's interested in.. it gets you interested in it too. haha. Paula, you'd make a good salesperson.

JULY 2 `04 the day passes by so quick. Summer is gonna be over before i even get started.

My brother went out and rented some movies and so i got to watch you got served and honey... while i was cleaning my room. It's impossible to keep this room clean. It's like my sibs' favorite place to hang out and leave all their junk. one minute it's super clean, the next it's not. So i'm asking.. what's the point? o yeah.. to keep my parents from goin' crazy.

spiffy looking camera, ey? hah. i'm waiting to go to different stores to see if i can get a lower price on it. as of right now, the price is $399. I focus too much on material things.. but photography is an art. :P Well.. i bought... err... my mom bought my old digi cam for $500, so i'm looking for a place to sell it. Does anyone know where i can do that? I'm thinking Tuttle Cameras on Atlantic might. I doubt that i'll get anywhere near the amount i paid for my camera 'cus it's really messed up, but quality is all the matters, right? pssh. I can always wait for the prices to go down, or find another camera... but you should read about what this lil camera can do.

of course, i have other options:

JULY 01 `04 aha ! i made a layout without using any image programs. proud of me? thought so. haha. jas kidding. if you noticed that my site says hiatus... it pertains to the layout.. not the blog.. so keep on comin'.. please? :P oh! and don't forget to sign the guestbook and if you want you can comment (it's beside the date) :D

[edit] yesterday, (0630) i went to asia's funeral. the service was so beautiful and the pastor's words were so comforting. i was so nervous walking through the front door. i saw erin, elizabeth sivmui, and john when i came. It was nice to see them because i hadn't seen them in such a long time. i found amber and sivjang near the front so i my mom and i decided to sit in the row behind them. I was trying so hard to keep the tears in. Asia's close friends came up to talk about asia. It was a celebration of her life. Her dance group from her camp performed a spiritual dance and it brought back the memories of when she would get so excited talking about her dance group and i would see her practicing during lunch. after the service a line was formed so we could greet asia's grandma and the rest of her family. So many people came for asia. it was really nice. when i greeted asia's grandma i was surprised & happy that she remembered me. I'm sure that asia got a lot of her strength from her grandma :). My mom took me to the casket so i could say goodbye and all i could do was stand there and cry. my mom took me outside and we waited for amber & sivjang.

my mom drove sivjang, amber, monica, lyndon and me to the memorial park. it was about a 30 minute drive. We said prayers and then we each layed a flower onto her casket and then her family did the same. It was so sad to see her grandma cry like that.

after the final goodbyes everyone was conversating and deciding where they would go. Sivjang, Amber, Monica, Lyndon, Mark, and i went to Royal Buffet to go eat.. it was cool being able to catch up with them since i haven't seen them in over a year. It was just like old times. :) We got to get our grub on :P. thanks you guys for making it a happy time.

I was watching the season finale for the real world san diego. (wow that was bad.. what was i thinking (thanks sivjang :P)) it was funny 'cus i was bummed that it was over. i think it was my favorite one so far. Yes i do watch the real world (it's addicting!). Most of the other seasons are so dramatic that it seems fake. But this one was a lil bit more realistic. I actually felt the sadness when they all had to leave.. one by one. haha. i'm sucha dork.

ooh yess.. i got a fotki. how cool is that? haha... password is over in the update section. & my sisters made snowflakes and hung them on my cieling. how cool is that? very ! :D [/edit]

JUNE 29 `04 Tomorrow i'll be going to see asia. She'll be just like a sleeping angel. :) Life is never going to be the same again, but things are looking up. It's been almost two weeks.. and i still don't know what to say. i really do miss her ...a lot. <3

[edit]i found out on the day of formal that some people from school live in the area. we were on ryan (street) when i saw them. iunno their names but i remember their faces. I din't think that anyone from school, other than me, would live here.

So i`m sitting outside right now and it's so quiet. it's 11:04.. i guess everyone is still sleeping.. and it's kinda cold. But it's really peaceful. i guess i should go now.

[edit] 2 edits in one day. :)i was just thinkin` about the grad party on sunday. I haven't seen most of those people in such a long time. I think the last time i saw lil patrick was when my sisters turned 7.. so it was almost two years ago. no wonder they all looked so different. I saw shana, jesselyn, and alan just a few days before the party but it was a while before i saw them too. But it was cool seeing them all again. [/edit]

The first month of summer vacation is almost over! summer is going by too fast. I think this is the first time i've said that this early into the summer. hah. But really, summer is going by so fast... what is it? 3 weeks out of the 10? i still need to get started on my summer reading, my portfolio, more volunteer work, and my goals.. ahh. i need to make a list. :P. [/edit]

JUNE 28 `04 i haven't been online lately 'cus our internet was down and my computer was being fixed... but i'm back with wireless internet. yay :) you all have to keep me from downloading things. So being a secratary.. or at least a trainee is pretty cool. i've only done it one day, but everyone's really nice and it was cool meeting new people and talking to people from other locales... well.. not really talking.. just asking questions. :P i went to a grad party for geo and dannyboy. patrick is so cute and sweet. i wish he was my lil brother ! well i`ll update later. :)
