Flight on Earth
A Teacher Workshop
Instructor: Phil Rossoni
Date: October 8th, 2004
Location: Paxton Center School, Paxton, MA
Welcome to the Paxton Central School teacher developement workshop on flight. The morning session, "Gliding: the Fundamentals of Flight",  will deal with how a species develops the capability to fly. In the second half of the morning session we will build and trim a walkalong glider. The afternoon session, "Sustained Flight: Life on the wing", will involve how a species sustains itself in the air using powered or soaring flight. In the second half of the afternoon session we will learn how to soar a walkalong glider, both sustaining and steering it in flight.

Gliding: the Fundamentals of Flight
Building a Walkalong Glider
Sustained Flight: Life on the wing
Soaring a Walkalong glider

Copyright, Phil Rossoni 10/7/2004