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Welcome to my website of writing goodness!! Click Here for more information about ME!

Here's some information on the sections above:

FICTION - My main passion in life is in this hypertext link above. The zeros and ones...

NON-FICTION - I like to write essays in my sparetime. Werd.

POETRY - I love to write poetry, but I don't consider myself a poet. Inspired mostly by Stevens and Crane, my poetry is lots of playing with word order, syllables, form and word use. I'm pretty sure it does make sense.

SCRIPTS - From when I was 15 - 17 years old, I wanted to be a script writer. All of these are from that time period.

PLAYS - A new field for me.

TRAVEL LOG - Oh the fun of wandering...

BLOGS AND RANTS - Meant not to offend, but to begin debate. Many of these rants are written in chracter, they are not so much opinions I ascribe to, but are arguments I find interesting.


All here is copywrite 2006 Patterson

LATEST RANT! -- June 12, 2006

Monday, June 12, 2006


"Almost all crime in the valley area can somehow be attributed to, either directly or indirectly, the chemical drug meth." - Valley Police Officer.

I have no idea what it's like to be intensily addicted to a substance. However, I have always felt that I was more eccentric and weird than anyone else I've known. Whenever I am introduced to people, their first question is either: "Want to come smoke with me?" or-- "you must do a lot of drugs."

I never met someone as delightfully on a perpetual "high on life" as me until I moved to Seattle and found someone even weirder. This person, too, has never in his life done drugs.

So what's the deal? Well, it's something called Neuroadaptation. We all know drugs (and other neurotoxins) only increase levels of seratonin and dopamine in the brain, a chemical that is already there to begin with. What you may not know, is that as soon as a person uses drugs to reinforce these chemicals, the brain adapts, yielding its production of these lovely "painkiller" chemicals by itself, and only produces them when it's told to by some drug. Therefore, myself and my friend, the two most eccentric people I know, have our brains constantly shooting us up with a mediocre amount of "feel-goods". It's like being on a constant buzz at a party, without ever getting shitfaced.

Most of what we think we know about drugs are myths. We all see heroin as the most addictive drug on the planet, yet during the Vietnam war, hundreds of American soldiers were heavily addicted to it until the war ended, and they had no problem readapting themselves to a life without it.

The "Rat Pack" experiment in the 70s led to some interesting conclusions. Basically they took a group of caged rats and a group of rats living in a park, and gave them both morphine-heavy water. Surprisingly, the park rats didn't like the morphine water, and did everything they could to find other water sources. Of course, the caged rats absolved their addiction.

But the experiment goes further. Alexander (the man who ran the experiments) force-fed the park-rats morphine and cocaine for forty-six days, then gave them the choice of drinking water or the morphine water. Again, another shocker--the rats drank the clean water, and continued to avoid the morphine.

What does this say about addiction? Do people really get uncontrollably addicted to drugs or alcohol, or is it a totally psychological, cultural problem of perspective?

Interestingly the only physical withdrawals from the rats were some twitching,
Before opium was made illegal, only 1% the U.S. popultion were users. Only after "the state" declared it a highly addictive and euphoric drug, did people suddenly become addicts. There are experiments that prove only one in a hundred people that use heroin can be considered "addicts". Most use only a couple of times a year, or once a month.

My point here is the same conclusion that I usually end up with. I've known addicts. There are people whose lives are being destroyed, who suffer tremendously because of their drug---and there are people who just do drugs, and it hardly affects them at all. Addiction keeps people buying more drugs, keeps pharmaceudical companies happy, keeps cinema and booksellers happy, keeps the U.S. government happy because they can continue convincing the people that drugs are evil and that people should go to jail for using those drugs.

Drugs are neurotoxins that enforce chemicals in your brain that are already active, and some do it in different ways than others.
