<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/xxfreebirdxx2002/artist_kinkadelighthouse2_sh.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Pg. By Free~~~6/5/04
When I'm feeling a liitle down,  or need an escape from all the day to day city living. , I enjoy taking  long walks, just to clear out my head. Everywhere or no where. Every place I look there are trees full of birds, blossoms and sweet smeeling flowers'
The critters are scurrying.

But my favorite place is in  the Forest,
Camping listening and feeling the fire, the night animals,  after a long day., hiking its so invigorating,all the sights and sounds, fishing always waiting that BIG One .,canoing ....ahhh feeling the water gently rocking me,anything and everything really. LOL

I also just love sitting around doing a good crossword, or reading a book. Just to be there in the midst of the Heaven on earth feeling, listening to all the sounds,
the futtering birds,the loons on the water, the scurry of small animals, foraging for food.
This is
my Heaven!
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