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Biking and Long Distance rides:- I love riding my bike...I ride long distances on my Bike..(Hero Honda CBZ . My maximum distance covered in one day is 600kms in 8 hrs on my bike from PUNE TO HYDERABAD..

I made a long distance trip on my CBZ (24th Dec 2002)from Pune - Hyderabad which took 12hrs (600kms) of journey. And i have been Trice to HYD from Pune on my bike..From this expericence i can say CBZ from herohonda is pure performance bike.Style, Power ,Sitting Posture of the driver is very comfortable and its life really begins after the 5th can touch the top speeds of 110 kms/hr in no matter of time..It has a good pickup of 12 bhp..And,Pulser is no way compaired to CBZ.. well Pulser 180cc might be having some power but overall performance of CBZ is too good.Stability,Style,Comfort..One more thing u have to remember Quality never comes for cheap (Pulser may be cheaper but lack Stability,and uncomfortable with the small and narrow seat.).. i wish i would go much more longer rides on my CBZ if i got company.





Bicycle and Long Distance rides:- I love riding my bicycle ...I go rides on my bicycle 3 times a week...I paddle for at least 20 kms on every ride. With the Shimano® gears shifting this baby can touch the speeds of 65 kms/hr in the sloppy roads.With the single back shock suspension and front fork suspension it can even push the Bike to the limits in the rough terrains.. I simply Love cycling and it can reach me out anywhere anytime in the busy traffic. No probs if u got traffic jams , Jumping to the other line..smooth road or rough terrain...This baby can take you any were in no time. I was fasinated with this simple means of transport...!


I paddle long distances on my bicycle..(Hero Ranger Swing 18 transmission bike with Shimano gears). My maximum distance covered in one day is 150 kms on my bicycle back in Hyderabad....









Photography:- I have passion for photography..Apart from the normal aim and click i am more fascinated with High speed photography (Making the fast happening things to slow down like Bullet comming out of the gun is made clearly visible) and Time lapsing photography (Making the very slower happening things appear faster like growing of the plants,Sunrise n Set Which usually takes 12hrs can be seen on a video in few seconds )..Astro photography (Shooting the pictures of the Heavenly Bodies Like Jupiter,Saturn,Moon ..etc.As its an expensive hobby its limited to my budget.....Now with digital Photography Capable of 6 mega pixels per inch(6 million effect pixels on the CCD) i hope photography would be getting cheaper in the comming years..In the near future I hope to get an SLR with a CCD instead of film for few thousand bucks.