Page Building Help
The first thing you should do after getting a free page is to put something on it. This sounds a lot easier than it is, since you are more than likely to want something more than a baby, kid, or puppy page. The important thing to remember is that coming up with an idea can be very difficult. What do you really want to say to the world, now that you'll soon have a platform. Will you inform, amuse, enlighten, or just bore your visitors? It all depends on what you have in mind.  If you don't have a topic, or subject you might want to use the search engine page here to do some research. Keep in mind that you are an author, and that you'll have an audience if you page is well done and well listed., now let's start by discussing the tools available to you through the building interface we have here.
The Yahoo Builder

The Yahoo Builder is a very easy to use page building application you can use, (if you are a Geocities member). It's probably the best on-site program on the Internet because of its ease of use. You can have a pretty good page constructed in a few hours. In my opininon it's the best way to get up and running. One of the best parts about this program is that it writes the source code for you. If you want to be more than a casual designer, it's important that you view the  code the application is creating for you as you build, in order to get a feel for the HTML language, and JAVA code it generates.
The Advanced Editor

The editor at Geocities is also very good. It let's you edit pages, but it also lets you upload graphics, sounds, and other resources you might want to use from your PC. I don't recommend trying to use it to tweak you page unless you understand the basics of HTML code. I didn't know how to do anything when I first arrived at Geocities, but learned the little I know about page building from the Yahoo Builder, and the advanced HTML editor.  You don't need a teacher, or extensive training to do some pretty amazing things, once you learn how to insert, and tweak modules you can obtain from the sites we offer! The advanced editor is perfect for incorporating the copy and paste code you'll find a great help as your page gets more sophisticated. Once you complete your basic page, click on the sign  to the right to get some animated graphics, buttons, banner, and coppy and paste Java Code. If you want to return to the home page just  press the back button on  the top left of your browser, or when you don't see one, right click on your mouse. A menu with back on it should appear.
If You''re having a  problem with either of these programs, click the help toon to the right.